Dream of the wife was having an affair

What is the meaning of dream of the wife was having an affair?Dream dreamed that his wife was having an affair?Dreamed that his wife was having an affair with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed that his wife was having an affair of the detailed solution.

Dream of the wife was having an affair

Dreamed that his wife was having an affair, and reflects your deep love to the wife, not confident in yourself, your suspicion is too heavy, or do some details to find some clue from the actual life, but may also not sure, constantly suspicion, with a question into a dream, dream of an affair

If two people very coincidence derailed dreamed each other affairs at the same time, it just shows you a tacit understanding of each other.In general, your partner and your life habits and personality on the similar condition, so can be so coincidentally had similar dream.

Dream of my wife and othersTo make love, indicate the dreamer should love his wife very much, but love too deep to let the wife moment in their own hands, are mainly driven by his own is controlling, nothing in particular, is suggested that the dreamer marital relationship has always been very good, after all, he is really love my wife, and wife and can feel your sincere love, but I need the dreamer changing some past bad practices, should be a complete trust with his wife, more to increase communication each other's feelings and husband and wife to live together for a lifetime.

Dream of wife cheating, but also in sex, perhaps should remind dreamer self-criticism, because may be your own love too selfish, too narrow, don't want a wife in contact with the opposite sex friend, don't even want the wife talked with the opposite sex, this kind of love, not from genuinely care about the welfare of his wife, but from the "interest" of satisfy myself, such love, is a partial walk, is a kind of spirit, is not conducive to marital cultivate true feelings, suggests that the lack of real communication between a couple, always, will greatly increase the psychological burden, that they will be very tired, may also affect between husband and wife get along with.

Dreamed that saw his wife with acquaintances adultery, means that the dreamer has extreme dissatisfaction to the real-life situation, may be thought thought of a good marriage life without expectations, often because of some trivial bicker, their confidence in marriage without too much, remind the dreamer as a man should be more open mind, there is no need to haggle over every ounce and wife, after allA womanPlay play small temper, sometimes need a man much coax coax, they will be very happy.

Dream of my wife and others make love, after an argument suggests that the dreamer to his reckless behavior, and deeply feel remorse, also worried about the influence of the wife left in the heart is bad, remind the dreamer in daily life, must be very good control of their emotions, don't angry angry, especially for his own dear man.

Dream of the wife and family together, what do you bump into his very angered, suggests that the dreamer is not absolutely trust, with his wife may be caused by the relatives of the wife special care, should be with the wife always communication, more understanding, so that family life is better, don't trust is one of the largest mortally wounded feelings, a lot of marriage is lost here.

Dream of the wife was having an affair

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