Dream of rescuing jump river's wife

Dream of rescuing jump river's wife is what mean?Dream dream of rescuing jump river's wife, ok?Dream of rescuing jump river's wife have a reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of rescuing jump river, the wife of the detailed solution.

Dream of rescuing jump river's wife

Dream of rescuing jump river's wife that income will increase.

Students dreamed of jump river rescueThe childInstead, explain your ideal too high, and there is frustration, should your cloth, save the day.Clerical error and carefullyThe flood

Dreaming that the enemy was saved, I would be cruel torture.

A womanDream of the husbandHad been rescued, husband and wife will quarrel.

Women had to be rescued dream lover, two people will never.

Dream of aid to his wife, husband and wife life would be very happy.

Women dream of rescue her husband, parents send gift can make themselves more wealthy.

Dreamed that saved the friends from a difficult or dangerous, moment of need to get the help of friends.

Dream of rescued his Nemesis, means to defeat the enemy.

Traders dream of rescue work for themselves, will full of happiness.

Prisoners dream of others to save himself, will be sentenced to life in prison.

Patients dream of others to save himself, will soon be restored to health.

Unmarried men dreamed of delivered respectable woman from danger, two people might be married life partner.

Dream of the relatives or friends from the robber or the hand of the enemy, encounter obstacles of their own path.

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