Dream of cracks

Dream of building crack is what mean?Dream dream of building crack, ok?Dream of housing cracks a reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of building crack detailed solution.

Dream of cracks

Houses can also be used to represent the body.It is not only available in the body, also can be used to represent others body.

Dream of building crack, it is ominous, disaster will come or get sick.

Dream of rental housing cracks, said the owners (family) soon you have a serious illness, or death).

Students dream of building crack, signalThe testTo be able to go through.

A womanDream of building crack, prosperous, but should be engaged.

Dream of rented housing cracks, the landlord or his family will have a serious illness.

Dream of building crack but immediately repair, predict the disaster, but just a false alarm, would be able to solve.

Dream of building crack, is writing on the wall, will be sick or have a disaster.

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