Dream on shit

Dream of trample shit what meaning be?Dream dream step on shit?Dream of excrement has real impact and response, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of trample shit detailed solution.

Dream on shit

Dream of shitUrine pollution main profit,Dream of shitWith the landlord's riches and honour, dreamed about loss of urine main wealth, dreamed of home pick dung big giovanni cobolli gigli.""Duke of zhou interprets》。

Dreamed that trample shit, or attacked by shit, or is dirty body shit, this is auspicious dreams, you will have money coming in the near future, you will come, everything.

Dreamed of by hand to knead the shit, suggesting that the ongoing business or investment plain sailing, in the near future will make a fortune, the lottery is a good choice, may on the line.

Dream of feces on clothes, money rise, can look forward to a new revenue, perhaps in addition to the allowance of income, and part-time into account;

Dreamed that he fall into the pit, it was a rare good dream, if a dream oneself fall into the pit to climb out again, will be fine, however, if the dream of stepping on other people's shit collapsed after sitting on the ground, is inauspicious, if the dream of the second case, the best player seems, precaution;

Dreamed of all the shit, this is a very good dream, if the dream of all over the ground move bowels, suggest that the god of wealth will come to you, if you are entrepreneurs, will with the help of others to business success, bring you prosperity;

Tao dung in the dream, it is a good dream, tao dung dream will bring good luck to you, advise you to buy a lottery ticket today try their luck, in the future, your money better, may be making a fortune;

Dreamed that wears dirty you, this is a rare good dream, dream of urine dirty your body, suggested that you will get a lot of wealth, if you are entrepreneurs or business people, career path will be smooth sailing, bring you a roll of money;

Dreamed that fall into the pit and then climb out, this is a rare good dream, reality cuhk is people "away from" dirty things, the shit in the dream is opposite, it symbol of property, dreamed that fall intoThe toiletTo climb out, hinted at, recently you may get unexpected windfall, or on or in the raffle ticket;

Dream of golden stool came to you, golden stool symbol of money, and indicate that you will get a lot of possessions, because lucky, may in the raffle ticket or recent lottery lottery, and are likely to get the power, with the help of people give you seek wealth;

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