Dream whip

What is the meaning of dream whip?Dream dream whip?Dream with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dream whipped the detailed solution.

Dream whip

Hidden in the heart of the dream whip, showing the dreamer vengeful, want to resentment.

Dream whip, others besides said dominant desire, also shows a dream in his heart buried the strong revenge mental, want to give vent to the grievances of the heart.@

Dream of herself with a whip, remind your side might be duplicity, misbehavior or bad intention, to proceed with caution.

Dream whip or silver chain others, reflects the inner strong desire control, or for the fear of being dominant.

Dream of others give yourself a whip, reminding you may get promoted or entrusts with an important task, need yourself to acquire.

Dreamed of his hands holding a whip kneel in front of others, suggesting that will be impressed, to take orders from the other side, you will be willing to obey.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream was back on the rod.This dream, when the principal of the number of heavy light rather than pushing.Dream the nakedness of pain, the main human AIDS.Dream discontent 1000 number of small regret, sores blister diarrhea.Dream the bleeding, the main costs.Dream leads and number to 102, and the pain was abnormal, big fierce."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream whipped the humans.Every dream itself sits in the class, whip rod down others, responsibility for the virtual cost of energy."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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