Dream of his comrades

Dream of comrade mean?Dream dream of comrades?Dream of comrades have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official websiteDream) small make up to help you organize members of the detailed solution.

Dream of his comrades

Dream of his comrades, good omen that you have a friendship is very firm.

Dream of the late comrades, that means you miss him very much.

Dream with comradesdrinking, may be your situation than down and out now, but I did not really help you friend in trouble, so miss former innocence of his comrades.

Dream about him and his comrades in the training as of old, you are a man who can bear hardships and stand hard work, on the job performance will be very good.

Dreamed of comrades case analysis

"Dream case 1"

Dream description: last night had a dream, dream of relations also comrades died, I went to his bedside and cry, and I gave my mom said that I send money to send at least, I later spoke to him several times he sat up and I say two sentences, also is, what is the meaning of this?

Resolution: dream dream of his comrades, explain your relationship is very good, dream of comrades died, indicate your comrades body is very healthy.

"Dream case 2"

Description: dream dream of dead comrades and I embrace together, the dead comrades was delighted to see me.He also brought some people I don't know!Another fellow, the comrades to mix well, and I and hug the dead comrades looked up looked at another fellow!

Dreams resolution: before you feeling is very good, dream of him, are you miss him very much.

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