Dream of prince and princess

What is the meaning of dream of prince and princess?Dream dream of prince and princess, ok?Dream of prince and princess have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of prince and princess of the detailed solution.

Dream of prince and princess

Usually the prince and the princess in my dream more represent themselves or brothers and sisters.And the king, queen, in the dream represents your parents.

If the dream of the prince or princess, symbol in these days, may quarrel with goodwill, but will not affect your relationship.

Boys dream of prince, just say you want to be a real man.

Dream of prince or the prince summoned, suggest you in the near future there will be an occasion for family you might be able to reached the top, to show his ability and talent, and win everybody envy, business to flourish.

Zhouyi dream

Prince appear if you are a boy, a dream, it is no meaning, just say you want to be a real man!

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream a dream of all sorts of all kinds of people said all aspects of your personality and inner world.

Psychological analysis: to understand the dream of all kinds of people passing by the different information, we have to in-depth analysis to them.Not all characters meaning must be fully analysis clear, sometimes, as long as you are able to understand their meaning and dream characters of behavior relationship.Do you often dream of two opposites or feel with two attitudes and behaviors are very different.This kind of situation usually reflects your character part of the contradictory.Objects can be in my dream you left an enduring impression, sometimes even make you touch base scene.Dream of their loved ones are usually reflects your jealousy.Dreamed of many together and dream together the meaning of the animals said similar, among them and each object represents an aspect of your own personality.If you can profoundly understand one of the characters, you can clearly understand your corresponding character level.

Spiritual symbol: like hero image symbol duties in a dream, the prince or princess on behalf of your decisions in life.

Dream of prince and princess of case analysis

A 】 【 case

Dream description: dreaming that I am a princess of a country, their mannerisms suddenly become very elegant, and then myself and the prince of another countryTo get married, the prince also don't know in real life, depressed, the whole dream down, feeling the dalai is pretty happy.

Dreams resolution: you this dream you will be and the person's signal.

The second case.

Dream description: last night had a dream, dream seems to be yourself and don't like, like the previous set herself.If oneself is a princess.Said they were married, and then bathed in the bathtub, shower when I was learning how toswimming.Then run to go there complaints as queen what's there to complain that newly married new lang was a few days.Then the person who seems to be her husband came back, see he is smaller like don't like my husband, I don't like me.He lay on the bed.When I kissed his lips, kiss that feels a bit like my husband.Then he told me he had infectious diseases.Also said that my brother has, call I go to gargle.Then I take the antidote to find brother some detoxification.(reality brother away all the year round, with the eldest sister-in-law had a very unpleasant.Being separated.Rarely go home, don't know whether I disorderly outside.Occasionally heard that want to divorce.

Dreams resolution: dreaming that I am in the dream to become a princess, and wedding, this suggests that the dreamer memories of a wedding or a vision.In the heart of every girl has a princess dream, I hopeTheir marriageWhen her husband can spoil yourself like a princess, hope you as pretty as a princess.To do this dream reflects your longing for love.

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