Dream of the twins

What is the meaning of dream of twins?Dream dream of twins?Dream of twins have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of twins detailed solution.

Dream of the twins

Dream of twins, reflect the dreamer opposing each other's personality.

Dream of twins inA fightThat has a strong opposition in the inner self.

Dream of twins playing happily together, say in your heart, although there are different selves, but between different self get along very harmonious.

Men dreamed of twins, usually said after contemplation and inner struggle, married, career success.

Already married man dreamed of twins, shows that he will be successful.

Unmarried men dream of twins, indicated that he will soon say goodbye to single life, career will be improved.

Traders dream of twins, predict will eventually treasures will be plentiful.

Patient dreamed of twins, indicated that the body is slowly back to health.

Dream twins body emaciated, means you will be on the first line of disappointment and pain.

Dream of quads, suggest that you may want to bear hard, but still full of hope.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: if you know the dream twins, who on his behalf.If you don't know, represents a thought or idea of two different sides.

Psychology analysis: in daily life, you often facing a contradiction of the two opposites.Therefore, the dream of the twins can symbol character of contradictory and unified the two aspects of each other at the same time.

Spiritual symbol: duality eventually will be reunited.Twins produced in the following the idea that although at present temporary differences, people still can agree on.

Dreamed of twins case analysis

One of my classmatespregnancy, and she said she was particularly hope to is a pair of twins.Because their previous generations would have twins, that I dreamed about my students with the twins, lively and lovely, I feel happy for her from the bottom of my heart.(female, 30 years old)

Dreams resolution: lively and lovely twins, predict the success and health.If unmarried men and women dream of twins, means that will soon married.If the married men and women dream of twins, foreshadow the career will succeed.If the businessman will dream of twins, financial resources.If the patient dreamed of twins, the body will slowly back to health.

As the dream of beautiful and lovely children, is a bright future.

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