Dream of colonel colonel

Dream of colonel colonel is what mean?Dream dream of colonel colonel?Dream of colonel colonel has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of colonel colonel detailed solution.

Dream of colonel colonel

Dream of colonel colonel or command, said both in social circle and business circle, you will be hard to achieve the purpose of compelling.

Dreamed that he is a colonel, said you would strive for higher than the position of friends and acquaintances.

Dream of himself as a soldier, life will be the emergence of a new transit signal dreamer;

Dream of others to become soldiers, means that the dreamer career journey in all likelihood orderly;

Dream of soldiers on guard, means that the dreamer in the work need to be vigilant, avoid little trouble;

Dream of soldiers on leave, said the dreamer has completely in a safe and harmonious environment.

Dream of officers, fromDuke of zhou interpretsSymbol, your inner desire to be protected, or will be protected.

Adults dream of officers, optimistic spirit condition, resistance is enhanced, but some casual life rhythm.Hips and thighs are still should pay attention to nursing care.

Young people dream of officers, all the best, fame and fortune, but get carried away, too proud, is prone to failure.

Investors of dream of the officer that you money money is good.Has the potential to get others to support.Entertainment is the easiest way to make you money.

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