Dream of sadism

Dream of sadism is what mean?Dream dream of sadistic, ok?Dream of sadistic have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of sadism detailed solution.

Dream of sadism

Sadistic symbolizes the vitality of the misguided, also imply that you are awake, the abuse of nature.

Dream is sadistic cruelty, presage a you have learned that their real intentions, straight in to modify their spiritual level.

Dreaming that I am a sadistic, suggesting that human will be big problems, must learn to look back.

Dreamed that he was sadistic cruelty, suggesting that the dreamer in the real psychological desire to be treated.

Dream of abuse someone, say you and other people's business relations and the misery and waste.

Dreamed that he abused that you will be in their daily life by the abuse of the enemy.

Dream of masochist abuse others, show that part of your character, inadvertently makes you suffered the pain, this is a sign of the punishment.

Dream of someone else being sadistic sexual abuse, the symbol of life and your tension object or other heterosexual tension in the work.

youngA womanDreamed that he heard abusive language, indicated she would be beset by jealousy and envy of some people, if she use these abusive language, says she is accidentally touching the nail, and to be used for friends some bad behaviors of shame and chagrin.

Married women dream of abuse, means that your heart has been depressed in a bad appetite, it is not stable for your family.

Dream of being a husband or boyfriend abused that you will meet with difficulties, and no one to help.

Dream of abuse cat, you be careful recently were stolen.Abused cats if my dream is you have, say, one thousand you are stolen, or can be retrieved.

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