Dream of the witness

Dreamed that the witness is what mean?Dream dream of witnesses?Dream of witnesses have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see below (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of detailed solution of witnesses say.

Dream of the witness

Dreaming that I am in the dream play the role of the witnesses, in an accident, for example, it may represent your observation, you must attach great importance to the surrounding of what happened.But the dream may make you associate and authority of the problem.

Dreaming that I am as a witness and testify, imply that you have to explain the reasons for her behavior or belief.Maybe you have long been insecure, until you recognized by the same kind of people to accept.

Dream of witnessing wife, this is mean that you have extreme dissatisfaction to the real situation.

Dreamed that he was a witness to a murder scene, means that certain aspects of your will change.

Dream of seeing otherskillSomething good, said.

Dreamed to see other people kill, suggesting that the work you will meet a very don't like, or in the life have to accept disgust you very significant change.

Dreaming that kill other people, I am there, or is someone to kill, said the dreamer is trying to get rid of the influence of the people upon you.

Dreamed you are witnesses that you find the spiritual legacy of life, that is what you continue the premise of spiritual exploration.

Dream of the fierce battle to killbleedingScenes, but also may be indicated that you will have unexpected good luck, find a way to solve problems in life.

Dreamed of witnesses case analysis

A 】 【 case

Dream description: a dream of a van coming, parking in my 50 metres, behind two woman corpse, a carbicycle.After and roared off.In shock at the same time, next to the emergence of a competitor's people I work is, she also saw it, and told me that people have been killed, is the man I had exposed their (dream event told me that they have done unethical thing, I'm just the truth tell victims < > is murder).Then sheDriving a carTake me to the police.Is this strange dream want to explain what my problem?

Dreams resolution: witnesses symbol you power of observation, as well as competitors, means you are now the situation, is a competition stage, who first saw the point of the things, can preempt machine, benefit.

The second case.

The dream description: I am a senior student, last night, I dreamed about our headmaster was choppedThe bodyDon't shout, want to shout, it took for a long time to clear.Then there is no sleep, the second day saw the headmaster was frightened.

Dreams resolution: what do you do this dream reflects in real life, do you see the bad things, but can't say out.Do have things suppress in the heart can't say it is very painful, if it really can't say it, you might as well find an object, such as said to the tree, or dig a hole, take it to the hole, and then buried.

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