
Dream of somnambulism patient

Dreaming that I am a sleepwalker, indicate you are when you don't know the situation will be completely, blindly, agreed on a plan, it will bring bad luck to you, let you worry.

Sleepwalking is sleep in the bed by action, and then to go back to bed continue to sleep strange phenomenon.On neuroscience is a sleep disorder, symptom is commonly in and waking state, in some patients may leave home or make some dangerous moves.

Sleep unconsciously go for a walk or to make other unconscious behavior sleepwalking, on neuroscience is a sleep disorder, symptom is commonly in and waking state, in some patients may leave the residence or make some dangerous actions, such as double window,Driving a carEven some violent activities, such askillAnd so on.1846 americans Albert Tirrell accused in the case of sleepwalking, the murder of his lover, finally acquitted.In 1999 Arizona's Scott Falater been indicted on charges of 44 knife stabbed his wife, the last was found guilty.

Sleepwalking commonly known as "confused" refers to suddenly get up in the sleep, then sleep, wake up ignorant of activity during sleep.Nightscape disease not happen in a dream, but occur in the phase 3-4 deep sleep stages of sleep, is focused on's at this stage.Reason nightscape disease usually occurs before fall asleep after 2 to 3 hours.Sleepwalking occurs in childhood (6 ~ 12 years old), can happen at any time, children to see for 5 to 7 years old, for several years, after puberty can go away.In childhood, with occasional sleepwalking, 15% of frequent ratio is 1% ~ 6%.Men more than women.High incidence of sleepwalking within the same family, this shows that sleepwalking has certain transmissibility.Night terror attacks tend to occur in sleep after half an hour, less than 2 hours at the latest.

Dream of sleepwalking, business will be damaged.

Dreaming that I am sleepwalking, go abroad to do business can make a fortune.

Dreaming that I am dreaming, is auspicious, the body will recover.

Dreaming that I am sleepwalking, work can be encountered some bottlenecks, his brooding, but has no clue.Not out of the office, and colleagues to drink a cup of green tea, allow yourself to relax.

Dreaming that I am a sleepwalker, indicate you are when you don't know the situation will be completely, blindly, agreed on a plan, it will bring bad luck to you, let you worry.

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