Dream of the bad guys

What is the meaning of dream of bad guys?Dream dream of bad guys?Dreamed that the bad guys have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of bad detailed solution.

Dream of the bad guys

Dream of the bad guys, you seem to be yearning for the danger of be in love.Such as the boyfriend want to grab a friend, or want to married him through dangerous cheat for the night, and so on.If you have a boyfriend, if floating hearts are beginning to sprout.

Dreamed that the bad guys, means strong, rich life.

Dream of bad maxi-cans, represents you feel not equal to idea of life in the present, want to break through the present living conditions, they want anew.The villain his bark is worse than his bite and if the dream, I often go to do some things working, it is said in your heart just want to put yourself in inappropriate behavior rationalization.

Dreaming that I am a bad man, this is the symbol of your sexual desire is often high, physiological have the tendency of some sex drive, so you have to control your emotions, or do more exercise to get rid of his sexual, don't want to randomly again.

Dreamed that he was caught by the bad guys, this is said some bad thoughts in your heart, and want to do, but the heart has earned Zagreb.And if the last dream you can escape clutches, security, says you can get rid of a bad idea, in the heart back to kind bright state of mind.

Dream of talk with bad people, said to your breath.

Dreamed of bad case analysis

A 】 【 case

The dream description: seldom remember what he did is a dream, but this image.I was at home, parents anything because you want to go out.Parents just go out, the results from the veranda will turn into a bad man wearing dirty work clothes, trousers are blue.Then he stood there, smiling to me, smile I feel so horrible.Then, I would like to seize his arm, and then catch him, as a result, he is twist arm stretched out to me.I use both hands to seize his right arm, not twist, and being completely immobilized.So we want to pinch his left arm.Hard, just twist, then to outside call: dad.And then woke up.Results parents beside me.Asked my name is father doing.

Dreams resolution: dream of bad people, on behalf of some uncontrollable forces around, also reflects the idea of some of your adventure, but a dream, you want to catch the bad guys, but you obviously strength is not enough, also reflects the when you face these things we cannot control the situation.

The second case.

Is my dream description: a dream to go somewhere, have 140 s of some wretched man on the way to ask the way.After they go together, walk a short distance after a kid jumped out of the corner.Being forced into a corner, was forced to throw the phone, and then is a man with a knife stabbed the thigh.After is also a dream, and encounter the bad guys, and a group of people hiding in a small prison cell, bad guys look at us, all want to eat us.Later, theyescape.It's finished.Finally is I at home to call my mother said I met bad, wear good shoes ran out, the bad guys to chase.Was scared awake!And when I was a little boy, I always dreamed about in a black room have a lot of ghost.Want to escape but not.What is going on?

Resolution: dream this dream reflects the fear of you, dreamed about being chased and want to escape can not escape, is to the real feel helpless, the performance of pressure.

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