Dream of longevity

Dream of longevity is what mean?Dream dream of longevity person ok?Dream of longevity are realistic and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of longevity of the detailed solution.

Dream of longevity

Men dreamed of longevity, portend a long and strong, the disease will be far away from myself.

A womanDream of longevity, will live long and prosper, fertility, in later life happiness and.

Traders dream of longevity, business will thrive, industry throughout the country, bonanza, masterpieces masterpiece in the business world.

Out of people dream of longevity, will all the way to arrive safely.

Old man dreamed of longevity, is inauspicious, predict the near future will seriously ill, the day I die.

The childDream of longevity, will live more eloth, grew up to either rich or expensive, become a generation of celebrities.

Unmarried women dream of longevity, will marry a strong young man for his wife, two people have better love sweet.

Longevity and dreamed that he became a man, the staff will be on his own post has attainments, recognised by the boss, promotion a raise.

WeiGuanZhe dream of longevity, career, has gone through the roof.

Dream of conversation with longevity, the dreamer can increase the population in the home, is happy.

People dream of longevity, it is auspicious, will soon be restored to health.

Immortality is a state of stability, eternal, while life is short and not stable, so the dream of immortality and the real life of contradict each other.

Dream of immortality, means his or her own life.

Forever, and if the dream of others means being his or her own life longer than most people.

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