Dream of robbing the enemy's guns

What's the meaning of dream of plunder enemy gun?Dream dream of plunder enemy guns?Dream of plunder enemy guns have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed that rob detailed solution on the enemy's guns.

Dream of robbing the enemy's guns

Dream of plunder enemy guns, prestige.

Dream of counterblows, remind the dreamer before to think, all things considered to make a decision, inevitably will not be any.

Dreamed that he killed the man with a gun, will remind the dreamer were condemned by the public opinion, is likely to fail, the dreamer should own faith.

Dream of gunfire, reminding the dreamer, where has mishandled needs to reorganize.

Women dream of gunfire, remind the dreamer in meeting people should pay attention to communication, don't happen with people, or reputation will have a loss.Dream of with a gun, remind the dreamer don't be too careless, as long as the door, prevent stolen.

Dream of gun off accidentally, remind the dreamer will have unpleasant things happen.

Dreamed someone shot himself, was not hurt, even mean the dreamer may be accused committed the crime, but also because of insufficient evidence, will be.

Dream of a trigger, barrel burst, means misfortune comes from cheating, remind the dreamer carefully to make friends, and other friends want to say it honestly, can't be too self-centered.

Dreamed that he was shot by, means that the dreamer will soon, or loved ones are to attend the wedding.

Dream of buying handguns, can predict the dreamer ShengGuanJinJue.

Dream of selling handguns, remind the dreamer may lose some.

Dream of pistol trading business, means that the dreamer is valued by the state leaders, won the honorary title.

Dream of loading the pistols, if meet the dreamer can get the help of friends.

Dream of got a pistol, means that the dreamer will be respected at all.

Dream of stealing a pistol, remind the dreamer need more hard work, in order to get more economic source.

Dream of pistol lost, means that the dreamer is very heavy sentiment, very sense of responsibility are desirable, and TongShengSi family, the danger.

Traders dream away pistol, means that the business is thriving.

Dream of plunder others pistol, remind the dreamer everyday not too ostentatious, otherwise it may encounter bad guys robbery.

Dreamed of being shot at, it is suspicious heavier, inner insecurity of omen, always feel someone to hurt yourself, or recently met some problems but have no courage to face.Also proved that recently there are some negative emotions hidden in your heart, in the form of a gun in my dream, can see that you should be in the mood of the recently.

Dreamed that he was killed by a gun, associated with the feeling of life be negative, or encounter some setbacks and failures.

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