Dream of lacquer painting

Dream of lacquer painting is what mean?Dream dream of lacquer painting?Dream of lacquer painting has the reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of lacquer painting of the detailed solution.

Dream of lacquer painting

Dream of furniture to brush the paint coat, means to his doom, dead of life at home will have a day.

Dream of someone else for the furniture paint, is auspicious, soon there will be a guest of rimmon.

Dreamed of to others on the furniture paint, the business will be damaged.

A womanDreamed of to others on the furniture paint, discrimination will be insulted.

Serving sentences dreamed to others on the furniture paint, period will be extended.

Tourists dreamed to others on the furniture paint, in a foreign country will become a political prisoners.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: paint is the protection of external objects and beautification, it also said the two meanings in dream.You may want to cover their defects or protect themselves, but also hope that we can make a good impression.

Psychological analysis: as furniture paint, dreaming that I give you to do something or do something not very satisfied with the work, he hope to be able to modify the perfect or acceptable level.

Spirit: this kind of dreams said on mental level you achieve a particular goal, but he doesn't want others to know about it.

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