Born from the throttle to fate

Born from the throttle to fate

What is your life?Water is life, or grabbing the life?You both a happy marriage?Suitable for your position is a good side and bad side?Are you suitable for live in west 4th house?These problems in the previous discourse we have briefly discussed.But still, some friends feel "not enough", since neither from the "sound" to break, or according to the theory of "three yuan JiuYun" to life, is rough.So, here we are going to with the development of numerology theory, further discussion from the point of view were born in the throttle the destiny of man.

Numerology to Yin and Yang five lines of gossip to determine one's life.Usually when people's birth year, month, day, have different degrees of influence on people.From the perspective of the degree of influence, the season of birth months had the greatest influence on a person's character.So the people born in different seasons, the life of the five elements will be different.I would now like to season was born to an overview about theory of five elements.

"Happy life" is divided according to 12 solar terms.Friends may ask, not 24 solar terms?How to become a 12 again?Remind friends remember:

Traditional 24 solar terms, two per month.Among them, the first solar term for a month "qingming festival", namely, spring, surprised zhi, qingming festival, summer begins, grain in ear, slight heat, beginning of autumn, the millennium, cold dew, the beginning of winter, snow and slight cold 12 solar terms;Every month of the second throttle "gas", namely, the rain, the spring equinox, gu yu, grain full, the summer solstice, great heat, and the limit of heat, autumnal equinox, frost, light snow, winter solstice, and it is 12.

Solar terms and gas appear alternately, each 15 days, now people habit to throttle and gas are collectively referred to as solar terms, however, said 12 throttle on numerology is a month of the first solar term, a total of 12, it must pay attention to the difference.

According to the solar terms, we think we can according to different season of birth, will people divided into corresponding xi gold, wood, water, fire and earth.Below, you simply say "happy life" is how to divided according to the 12 solar terms.

Xi gold life

Time: always in the Gregorian calendar on February 3 - April 4, the lunar Yin, every month, the people born in spring and insects awaken this paragraph of time is like gold life.

Point: born in spring, five line of wood is more, the lack of gold.Xi gold lives need the support of with gold, and auxiliary.Avoid water and wood.

Lucky year: the year of the monkey, the rooster is lucky for them.

: lucky month of a year starting from the beginning of autumn to the front of the cold dew, unitary "month month, is their lucky month.

Your lucky day: a month all twelve animal signsA monkey,roosterA good day this day, is their lucky day.On the other hand, a monkey, the rooster for black day this day, their black day.

Lucky: ShenShi to YouShi SiShi every morning, afternoon, evening QuShi, is their lucky.

Noble: anyone Jin Wang numerology five lines, is the noble.


DE xi gold lives are good at judging by feeling, bodhisattva heart heavy;Foresight is extremely strong, good to help others.

, happy life of gold are not good at sports, to win or lose doesn't matter;Choice force is not strong, easy to indecision.

Life, xi gold hands are rich, but do not leave, spend money like water, people seem to be generous, generous, however, to make more friends.

, sentimental is a feature of xi gold lives, pain and joy are easy to get, is a temperament middleman.

, no matter what kind of work, how fast would race to the top, to save, stability is not good to do things.

Noble, can appear at different times.Don't care what others say, is independent of ability.

DE xi gold life people to pay attention to the maintenance of the respiratory system.

Life like water

Time: where in the Gregorian calendar on May 5th - July 5, according to the lunar calendar, the sixth month.The people born in the period of summer and grain in ear is like water to life.

Point: people born in the summer, the element of fire is more, the lack of water.Like water lives requires the support of the water, and gold.Life like water people avoid fire and the wood.

Lucky year: the year of the pig, the year of the rat is lucky for them.

: lucky month every year since the beginning of winter to the front of the slight cold hai month, month, is their lucky month.

Your lucky day: a month all twelve animal signsIs a pigBelong to the ratA good day this day, is their lucky day.On the other hand, is a pig, rat for black day this day, their black day.

Lucky: every day ShenShi to YouShi's house in the morning, afternoon, evening HaiShi, is their lucky.

Your people: people who numerology five line of water, is the noble.


Life, like water people like to stimulate and change, is an important characteristic of life people like water, they don't hidebound, like innovation and development, and even cast.

, like water lives although heavy sentiment but also lewd, one-night stands often happen to them, but like water lives often homesick.

Too sensitive, particularly aggrieed, even anything for friends and their loved ones.

Work, not the first, but often show the characteristics of perfectionism.

Like always think of some way to get, got to the perfect;Not perfect or to lose his temper, or find another need.

I did it my way, sometimes don't care what others say, is to care about being cheating.

, though not so diligent work hard, but the creative spark will blink, often often let a person has the feeling that find everything new and fresh.

Like water, life of people should pay attention to the maintenance of the urinary system.

Life like wood

Time: every 7 August in the Gregorian calendar - on October 7, the shen, unitary month, people born in the beginning of autumn and the millennium this period of time is life like wood.

Point: people born in the autumn, five lines of cicc is more, the lack of wood.Xi wood lives need the support of wood, and water.Xi wood lives avoid gold and fire.

Lucky year: the year of the tiger, the year of the rabbit was lucky for them.

: lucky month every year from spring to Yin month before the tomb-sweeping day, every month, is their lucky month.

Your lucky day: a month all twelve animal signsA tigerThe rabbitA good day this day, is their lucky day.On the contrary, tiger, rabbit for black day this day, their black day.

Lucky: HaiShi QuShi MaoShi of every morning, afternoon, evening, is their lucky.

Your people: every numerology five elements of wood, is their noble.


Life people emphasize rules, xi wood, quadrature in the compasses in doing things, a lot of people as a civil servant or demanding work in the industry, such as financial management, pilots, etc.

, even if they are self-employed, they too are often strict with oneself, to others at the same time requirements are sometimes very excessive.

Rut, you could say them, but they like the new old pig.Everything to come up with is ugly Yin frame, principle of the most important to them.

, people tend to like to go to the sun of xi wood, as out of place, such as like the east, like tall of the opposite sex.Stayover is more like a wooden man with a will.

DE xi wood life people to pay attention to the maintenance of liver system.

Life like fire

Time: on November 7, all in the Gregorian calendar - on January 4, namely the lunar hai, son, is in

The beginning of winter and snow people born during this time are like fire of life.

Point: people born in the winter, water is more, the five elements and the lack of fire.Happy lives need the support of fire, fire and wood auxiliary.Like the fire of life people avoid water and soil.

Lucky year: snake, the horse is their lucky.

Lucky month: start from the beginning to the front of the slight heat of the third month each year, the sixth month, are they lucky month.

Your lucky day: a month all twelve animal signsA snakeBelong to the horseA good day this day, it is their lucky

Day.On the contrary, snake, horse for black day this day, their black day.

Lucky: SiShi of every morning, noon noon, is their lucky.

Your people: anyone who numerology five lines of the fire, is the noble.


Do things, like fire life people emphasize fast, rollerblading, optimist is a person to see people love.

Some people say that they anticlimactic, actually they are truly the wisest man often seems stupid, seemingly coarse, are intentional.So often in terms of love and relationships.

, like fire life people willing to lives together with xi wood, because they can help xi of the wood

In the face of difficulties, and xi of the wood can also remind them more rigorous thinking.They are each other, so to speak

Help each other learn brothers and sisters.

, like fire lives have a fatal weakness: too blunt, so easy to upset people, so also in casual in enemies, easy to hide in the dark in the wound.

Like the fire of life, people pay attention to the maintenance of heart system.

Xi earth life

Time: where in the Gregorian calendar January 5 - on February 2nd, April 5 ~ 5 on 5, July 6

- 6 August, October 8 - on November 6, the ugly month, not months, months),

Month, namely in the tomb-sweeping day, slight heat, cold dew, and slight cold these people born in the year of the solar terms are like earth life.The most simple terms, is according to the solar terms of the last month of each season

Fewer people, soil, other five lines are flourishing.

Point: happy lives requires support of soil, soil and auxiliary to the fire.Earth lives avoid water and gold.

: lucky year of dragon, local, and the year of the ox in the year of dog is their lucky year.

Lucky month: the birth month of every year, not months, and ugly, is their lucky month.

Your lucky day: a month all twelve animal signsBelong to the dragon, sheep, dogs, cows for day this day, be them

Your lucky day.On the other hand, is a dragon, sheep, dogs, cows for black day this day, their black day.

Lucky: every day early morning ChouShi, have, in the afternoon at the seventh hour in the morning, evening QuShi, is their lucky.

Your people: every numerology of soil, the five elements is that they will be.


, like earth lives than other types of people have a lot of advantages, is the Yin and Yang qi in the body and, that is comparative balance of body and mind, no obvious defects.

, a serious and responsible work, no hurry not rashness, xi soil usually lives in important leadership positions.

Through the ages of many senior talent is xi of the soil.Xi of the soil is often more fat more luck, is laugh and grow fat.

Xi of the soil, looks like an opportunist, and the viability of the society and life are strong.

Xi of the soil, to pay attention to the maintenance of the spleen and stomach, appropriate supplement the kidney strong sun, nourishing kidney Yin food.

Good health is a soil lives last lucky one of the important measures.

By visible on, happy life theory of "five points method" was born according to the season, put people into xi gold life life, life like water, like wood, like fire life and happy earth life five kinds, namely according to the five elements to life.

Then, according to their birth season, friends will understand oneself is what the life of basic water fire and earth.

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