From the year of birth to fate

From the year of birth to fate

Our ancestors invented the five elements, gossip, it is the essence of ancient Chinese culture, contains abundant philosophy.So through the ages, by easy to bligh life fate: hi good or ill luck, measurement have been accepted by most people and beliefs.

People often say life fate,......, fate seems to have been moving in the orbit with a prior arrangement.Including all changes or twist, seemed to be an act of god.If you are the one who believe in fate, from the perspective of your year of birth of your marriage!

From the year of birth to the marriage

From the year of birth to marriage can be divided into two steps.

The first step: born in the table below to find your year.

Eight year animal sign five lines of CRT

The second step: according to their birth year, find out their own "five days branch belongs to" (the "day" here is a brief statement of Chinese era, below the specific meaning section and the specific narrative).

You was born in 1982, for example, so, as long as you find in this year, you can immediately know yourself "day five lines of" belongs to:

1982 nonyl xu-gou belong to water (dog)

The "1982 nonyl xu-gou water (dog)" contains multi-layer meaning:

You was born in 1982.

Your day is "nonyl xu-gou", this year is "nonyl year".

Your year of birth five behavior "water", namely "water".

Your animal sign as a "dog".

So, this life is good?It is hard to see just from here.Because life is good also involves other factors, it is best to row of eight measurement in detail.Row of eight words meaning mainly reflects in the following two points.

First, when someone "fortune" for you, you said so-and-so lives, most likely he is to use this method, namely, the sound law, is no mystery.

Second, knows what he is after the life, you can have targeted the "marriage".The marriage method many, but the "life" of two people, men and women is also a common method.

Let us, for example:

A boy in September 1982, check the above "nonyl xu-gou" years, life is "water", the animal sign is the dog.

And if a girl in 1986, check the above "BingYin", is "fire", animal sign is the tiger.

If this pair of men and women to be married, often think: they risked g, is bad.According to this conclusion is born in life of five elements, namely, water, fire.

So in close marriage, often using this method for determining a couple years life should not be phase grams, phase grams, or lead to illness, or discord;Couple years life to photograph, begets can love grow, sweet.If a man born in 1982 and 1984A womanTo get married, it would be nice, because in 1982 as the "water", 1984 is the "gold life" : the golden water, wife swan, prosperous New Year.

The fortune-teller choke refers to a calculate, said some male, a female what life, two people together and marriage are appropriate, are mostly copied according to the set of such method.

Years of life five lines of different men and women, their marriage may also produce a certain good or ill luck.Of course, these are the traditional, anyone guess, for reference only, see the table below.

Animal sign five lines of mating table

From the year of birth to housing

Chinese numerology along with the "sound" above method on another way, a lot of friends all know, this is the well-known "grabbing the life" and "west 4th life".That said, according to your year of birth, watching you is grabbing the life or west 4th life.You as long as according to the following table check his birth, then compares the following "sticks" to know oneself is to belong to what kind of life.Specific operation points of two steps.

Step 1: in the table below to find your year of birth, pay attention to the men and women are different.Born in 1982, for example, men and women, found out is:

1982 nonyl xu-gou dry gold away from the fire

Because for men, "fire" as the male, "golden" for the female.

The second step: according to the year of birth to determine their own "divination", but also belongs to grabbing the life or west 4th hit which group.

Numerology according to three yuan JiuYun people life sticks into camp, from, shock, xun, dry, kun, gen, against the eight.In a nutshell, life hexagrams corresponding to the five elements are:

The candy from the xun dry of gen

Water fire wood wood gold earth earth metal

Candy (water), (fire), shock (wood), xun (wood) "grabbing the life"

Dry (gold), kun (earth), gen (soil), the (gold) "west 4th life"

Is "that said, life the candy, from, shock, xun" is grabbing the life, like life are "dry, kun, against the dollar, gen" is the west 4th life.Mentioned earlier, therefore, was born in 1982 in men and women, men for "away from the fire," the woman as the "gold", according to the above-mentioned "fire" for grabbing the life;And "golden" for the west 4th life, shows the same was born in 1982, life there is a difference between men and women, men are grabbing the life, a woman west 4th life.

So, know oneself what is life, what is the role?

In house curtilage feng shui, curtilage life to match.A sentence is so say: "home life with bad, trouble."Grabbing the lives for grabbing the curtilage, west 4th lives to live west 4th curtilage.

Starting from the four northeastern lives with west 4th, if we will also house as there is life, so, the house also can be divided into four northeastern curtilage and west 4th house:

Grabbing the house: bank curtilage (sit north to south) west 4th house: male curtilage (sits northwest to the southeast)

From curtilage (sit south to north) against the curtilage (sit west to east)

Shock curtilage (sit east to west) straightforward curtilage (sits northeast to southwest)

Xun curtilage (sit southeast to the northwest) female curtilage (sits southwest to northeast)

Grabbing the life of people avoid live west 4th house, while west 4th life avoid grabbing the house.Because of the residential environment can affect a family member or company employees to thrive, a complementary to each other with the head of the household life bureau home or the office, can help good or office of the people living in pairs, get twice the result with half the effort;If the head of the household life do not tally with the housing bureau, such as grabbing the life of the people who live in the west 4th house, so will a lot of trouble, wasted effort.

In addition, what is life according to oneself, can determine the good or ill luck of their specific orientation: in eight directions, each of us has four "good" and "bad".

Grabbing the life:

Good side: north, south, east, southeast bad side: illicit affair, northwest, southwest and northeast

West 4th life:

Good side: illicit affair, northwest, southwest, northeast bad side: north, south, east and southeast

A person's life is grabbing the lives or west 4th, its theory, for theThe I ching"Lovers can infer that for yourself.Traditional numerology row mountain palm can push life sticks, but the process is rather complicated, here to simplify the formula into the following two kinds of inference algorithm.

The first algorithm:

First to the Gregorian calendar year of birth of each together, the sum of income such as more than 10, will be the result of each together again, until, and less than or equal to 10.Male life by 11 minus the sum, female life in number plus 4, number of results such as more than 9, reoccupy the value minus 9, reduce the difference is the numerology of Numbers, if the difference is zero, is regarded as a 9.

Finally the value contrast is as follows, you're grabbing the life or west 4th life.For example:

Women born in 1985, and its calculation method is as follows:

1985 all together: 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 23

Then 23 two together: 2 + 3 = 5 because it is a female life, so, 5 + 4 = 9 9-9 = 0 to 0, is poor as number 9, 9 genera, so the people from the hexagrams, namely, grabbing the life.

The second algorithm:

The formula for computing male life hexagrams: (two digits) after the 100 - year of birth / 9;

The formula for calculation of female life hexagrams (year of birth - 4) / 9.

Using these two formulas can obtain a remainder, subordinate to the remainder terms like is the person's life.If there is no remainder, and then the remainder as 9.Of the remainder is 5, the men are seen as quinlan, women are seen as gen.

Example 1:

Men born in 1936: (100-36) / 9 = 64/9 quotient is 7, the remainder is number 1, 1, the human life is kangua, namely, grabbing the life.

Example 2:

Women born in 1940: (40-4) / 9 = 36/9 quotient is 4, no remainder, is seen as 9, this person is away from the hexagrams, namely, grabbing the life.

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