Make life rational: feng shui affect life

Make life rational: feng shui affect life

The great circle of life is a river, there is no person in advance depth measurement in front of her, had to go to wade feet the river.Also clear also in the murky water, every pebble, every inch of sand that touch us, let us truly feel the heart was lit again and again, so he had anxiety, hope, depressed, mood, such as empty so even to the misunderstanding and wrong in life.When we can have a rest a moment's respite, and often a wave not flat, something, we accept it, like under the bodhi tree encounter.I don't know the future of the road there will be many station, and each station will be, how wonderful and helpless.

There is a people's way of life as a moth, as legend into thorns can sing in the thorn birds, they had to do that, because feel the happiness, feel the life's calling.They say it is destined.There is a kind of like the sky flying bird, it only constant vigilance, constantly wings, the bird life only once, that is the end of life.This bird is doomed to all their life?

Boundless and indistinct sea, there are many different fate.In terms of family, have first after tide, after a poor first developed.Fellow brothers and sisters, fate of him, the disparity between the rich and the poor.As an old saying goes, "a nine dragon, a variety of different."However, people are different, but I don't know why.Historically, everyone wants to make sure of your own destiny.Yearning for happiness, avoid disaster, also is humanity's common wish.

What do we want to believe in fate

At the end of the year, a lot of friends will start to "pursuing", calculate a year of happiness and pain, calculate the health of the spring, summer, autumn and winter, career, marriage wealth and emotions.Believe that every one of my friends are very concerned about how exactly a year of your own destiny, fate have kidding yourself.So, how can we grasp the fate of life?

In real life, some people believe that his life by "fate", while most people still believe destiny in their own hands.In fact, "life" and "luck" is two different things, together constitute the "fate".Generally speaking, the fate of the people is divided into four kinds of circumstances:

The first: life bad luck;

The second: the good life is bad;

The third: the life and all good;

Fourth: life and luck is bad.

Why these four would happen?Isn't destiny into his own hands?Friends don't worry, please let me give you do two experiments.

The first experiment

We will be a healthyeggsIs put below the hen wing to hatch, completely according to the requirements of incubation, temperature, humidity, time to meet the requirements.So, could you tell me: can the eggs all hatch chickens?

The answer is not necessarily, may have hatched, also not likely.Why?Because although is healthy eggs, but if the egg is not fertilized egg, so, no fruit.Obviously, in the life not importune won again.Therefore, we first subjective condition is better.

The second experiment

We will be a healthy fertilized eggs to hatch, but this time we didn't put below the hen wing, but put it on the inside.So, eggs will become the chicken?Obviously not, because "not tempered steel".Therefore, the subjective condition is again good, no corresponding objective conditions, is also no use.

Fate is everything in the universe changes during the process of development, from the cradle to the complete path, have been fully booked by law of the universe.Archaism cloud: "life by day, born by yourself."Mean life is born, and shipped?Is a man's life's journey.This sentence can also clarified his master can only be shipped, or his own way how to go, and natural life, the talent and condition is not to change, the one is the destiny of man.

From the numerology of professional terms, success or failure of a person's life also look at how the time flies.So, what is time?Time is refers to the people of every year Chinese era.Is the fate of one year, is to look at this year's Chinese era with you life of the life of the Chinese era.Someone hit a officer, for example, the universiade in his favor again, when can a promotion?Depends on the time, if time's wealth, wealth is born officer, so he this year have officer.Whereas the politicians who walk to defeat luck came up, when all lost?Also depends on time, if time meet their officer and wounded officer was officer, so he this year will have all lost dismiss things happen.Career, finances, emotions, marriage, health, family condition is good, is related to time.

In short, the fate of a person, see his birth horoscope, depends on whether the worst year in his favor, also look at his house live in a house and office environment is appropriate for his life.That is to say, the "nest" is very important, whether you live house curtilage, or your office environment, will be this or that to affect your life.Therefore, our ancestors to feng shui, so pay attention to household pays attention to regulate and layout.At the end of the day, just want to live better, live more smoothly.

Fate, then, whether can be control by people?

The answer can be master, but not completely control.Strictly speaking, we must know their own life, can be shipped by the appropriate.Know your life, can foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses.Hit your discomfort goes into the restaurant, for example, so, you don't sound bites, otherwise is self-defeating.The south made by the same token, if you are not suitable for business, you have to try, so nine times out of ten would your ideal touch to pieces.If a girl on the numerology is not consistent with what you have, the relationship between phase grams, and you marry, she so, probably you will "bare branches" life.

From the point of the other side, if you know your life, and to foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, so, you can often get twice the result with half the effort to do things.Hit you for trade, for example, you can choose to do trade for their own ideals, plus room feng shui recuperate, at the same time pay attention to the time, the influence of disadvantages, relatively speaking, the possibility of your success is very large.

Analysis here, I believe that friends have been able to understand what is the fate, can also more understand the classic words:

Life two three feng shui, four merit to five books.

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