Do not know the car in feng shui

Do not know the car in feng shui

Select the wedding dress, pick ring, looking for money...To prepareTo get marriedA quasi new people are busy with the final "sprint".While congratulate each couple, remind you must be sure to note: new people wedding car with feng shui, caution car don't ignore.

1. The choice of the wedding car exquisite

The wedding car is the modern fashion wedding's signature.In general, marriage team consists of 8 main car.Pick up the bride's head if grade of good models, typically lengthen Cadillac, Lincoln, or a mercedes-benz, etc.The problem was that the steam

Cars are suitable for any couple?Of course not, in general, everyone who has angular shape elements of cars for gold;Who has the

Hand-picked elongated elements of cars for wood;Every car has a circular elements such as the beatles for water;Whoever has the pointed elements of cars for fire, such as part of the streamline car;All cars for soil with rectangular elements, such as Cherokee.From the point of view of feng shui, different country to adapt to different people, vehicles need to consider based on the new five lines.America, for example, car five lines of gold, German car belongs to fire, Japanese cars five lines of wood, Chinese car belongs to the earth, the five elements five lines of some European car belongs to the water.When choosing first car, therefore, the first thing to consider is consistent with the bride and groom five lines of the country's car.

And feng shui xi gold, bride-to-be five lines of eight like fire, if is given priority to with the man, is the head of the car the car should choose beautiful cars, such as, Lincoln, Cadillac, Chrysler brands such as models;If it is given priority to with her car head should choose German cars, such as: mercedes-benz, BMW, audi brand models, etc.

2. The color of the wedding car exquisite

What kind of floats to choose color?Some may think that this should be provided to each well.Actually otherwise, the color has to feng shui, the car as a living, we can according to the traditional Chinese theory and numerology to five lines of distinction between car color.Such as: color is usually white, milky white cars for gold;Color green, blue, green cars for wood;Color is black and blue car is water;Color to red, purple cars for fire;Color is yellow, yellow cars for soil.Numerology five lines of different people should choose to suit oneself the color of the five elements is advisable.

If the bride and groom for the sake of harmony when choosing wedding car of our country, and color to the five elements, the nature is better;But often difficult to agree, and feng shui xi gold, bride-to-be five lines of eight like fire, so, can take care of the groom five lines of xi gold choose America extended Cadillac, and choose the color of the car, take care of the bride's like fire, choose red or purple Cadillac, in this way, two of the five elements can be both.

3. The wedding car route exquisite

Wedding car choose line is quite a feng shui cultured.Is there a hospital should steer clear of along the way,templeChurches, government agencies, the high tension line, smokestacks and all kinds of severe ShaQi place.

4. The wedding team selection of exquisite

The wedding team as a whole cannot be in number 13 or 14.On the vehicles to avoid santana, passat, Chevrolet, buick, etc.Is a mercedes-benz vehicles, for example, finally followed a santana, and even up to "attend";Passat for him "climb", Chevrolet car cross, buick "and don't gram", etc.In addition, the first car teacher's surname is also must pay attention to, such as the first car teacher said after the bride and groom get his name is "single", because of the accent, listening to a "lost", this will also let the couple feel unlucky.

5. The couple is getting attention

From the perspective of feng shui, head of car out of the car also has exquisite sequence.The bride and groom sat on the wedding car with a left a right points the rear seat, best man generally sit copilot, pledge car arrived at reception venue, first is the best man to get off, from the rear of the car to left the back door open the door for the groom, groom from front to the back door open the door for the bride right, and to assist the bride out of the car.This is based on "left tsing lung, right white tiger" feng shui considerations, not upside down.

6. The car travel camera exquisite

Camera car in front, the most exquisite is to avoid shooting and festival of "kind", otherwise, one not careful, is likely to lead to a new couple is a lot of trouble in the future, such as the background to hospitals, prisons, etc.

7. The car for the scene photos of exquisite

Many newcomers like put on the background of money to buy their own photos or hang up.Actually, this is wrong, you don't know how many people are there in the car used, what happened in the story, the second is easy to cause the discomfort of two men.It is best to put their wedding photos in the head of a bed, because the head of a bed on behalf of the mountain, mountains on behalf of, on behalf of the water to the mountain, wedding photo on the bed, on behalf of the husband and wife have good love life.Wedding on the mountain, there is a lot of money on behalf of the two men and entwine, but it also refers to the good aspects, on behalf of the strong feelings.Wedding can not be on the right of the bed, kanyu study said the right to "white tiger", on this side can cause adverse to the marriage.Wedding should be put on the left of the bed "dragon", can make the marriage of two people get blessings, with happiness.

8. The wedding car to date

Day and day isn't just about what the day is good, but also consider whether the day with your animal sign.Such as youBelong to the sheep, and you choose the day just is blunt sheep, this day is not suitable for your car travel.Specific time there is a relationship, in the north, usually travel in the morning, wedding banquet held at noon, while in the south to travel in the afternoon, wedding banquet held in the evening.This also not wrong, or the south guy in guangzhou high happy to set up a wedding banquet, and then the bride's family came to Beijing for a wedding reception, only according to the rules in the middle of the north, if held in the evening, others to be you are the second marriage.

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