Couples quarrel with seven reasons

Couples quarrel with seven reasons

Many new people justTo get marriedThat began to quarrel, really depressed, also very painful.And lover, a few years down, love is always noisy, what exactly is this why?We might as well YongMing neo-confucianism and neo-confucianism, analyze the:

1. The nursing science view, marriage should be each other mutually not rushed, in life not blunt, five lines in agreement.Example: male, 1981 yearsroosterLife, life for pomegranate wood, five lines of water,Women in 1982Belong to the dog, in order toThe seaWater, five lines of the fire.Although men and women in opposition to mutually, but, in life and the five elements are coordinated not blunt.So from the point of view of numerology, emotional marriage should overall is perfect

2. From the view of science, such as two people very not easy to buy the house, but I don't know how to house feng shui?Look at the room under the feng shui problems.

First, to see whether the house whether missing Angle.If your house missing Angle, especially lack of northwest and southwest, the couple is very bad.

Second, the house sat to fit.For example, if you sit to is 15 degrees north to east deviation (south west deviation 15 degrees), the house is on the line, the gates of a prime, not only affect the feelings, can also affect the health and luck.

Third, how to also look at the house structure.For example, does the bedroom in the house or the southwest area of the northwest, the bedroom door with corrosive to the toilet or kitchen door or other door, if there is a mirror inside the bedroom, the bedroom is put should not put things, such as the mask;Presence of beams in the room, furniture is according to the principle of right high left low;Kitchen hearth and wash dish pool is in the line, etc., these are likely to affect each other's feelings.

The fourth, which plants is put inside, put in where is to have cultured.If you hit the wood, is not suitable for put plants;If hit the lack of wood, need to put plants, but also to relax plant, can't put the vine, belt

Of plants.And it is important to note that usually in a room alone cannot put a plant, prevent "trapped".

Fifth, put the fish tank accidentally also can affect feelings.Usually put in the tank to the failure of a house and not popular.And tank texture, shape, height, color, the number of fish, fish to match.

Sixth, to survey the house hanging in calligraphy and painting, and arts and crafts.As the saying goes, everything has spirit, calligraphy and painting content inappropriate or put carelessly, can also lead to feelings of marriage problems.

Seventh, in addition to the house structure layout accord with the basic principles of feng shui, also pay attention to whether or not your house outside environment is good for you.For example, if a house is the viaduct, the high tension line, downtown, outward curved road, is construction of civil engineering, etc., will affect the relationship and marriage.

Good luck to tip

The harmony of marriage or not is related to its own numerology, also and you live in a house or even the structure of the workplace and feng shui layout.This is a system, a whole, we need to analysis, targeted to recuperate, to emotional harmony perfect marriage, otherwise, laissez-faire, regardless, so, is likely to lead to fall, the consequences of fortunes decline.

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