The family made what feng shui is often quarrel with each other

The family made what feng shui is often quarrel with each other

Some other peoples, often happen somehow quarrel, will see if feng shui problem this time.Here are some easy cause quarrel with feng shui:

1. The house was east-west, the kitchen is in the northwest corner.Sit west to east, or sit east to west.This time, if your home is in the northwest corner of the kitchen, so, could you often quarrel with each other will be at home, and most are elderly, quarrel between elders, once the noisy, also very excited.Because the northwest dry, on behalf of the elders, the elderly, the kitchen fire, the fire metallographic, nature is easy to have a quarrel.

2. The house was east-west, the kitchen in the southwest corner.Including sit west to east, or sit east to west.This time, if the kitchen is in the southwest corner, your family also shows you the family, what is more, your breath, arguments, often quarrel with each other.

Elders and involve women, either between female and male elders elder noisy noisy between either old woman daughter-in-law.Couple often quarrel, often also is for this reason.

3. The house sitting to the gate toward the southeast.At this moment, just southwest of bearing is the kitchen, this family people often quarrel, but has nothing to do with men, are generallyA womanBetween between thing, may be old woman daughter-in-law, and even quarrel between mother and daughter.

4. The house toward the southwest, the kitchen in the southeast.This kind of situation will appear above.The quarrel between were women.

5. Our house door is toward the northwest, the kitchen is in illicit affair.That happens often quarrel also is in the home.Including between husband and wife, which is between the old elders.

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Of course, not to say that will not quarrel.Quarrel is a way of venting, when we are too much pressure, always want to find a gap, or a way to abreact oneself heart some uncomfortable.And, in the life, instead, many often quarrel couple can grow old together, but the plane could not noisy, are often the most dangerous.

Family members often quarrel is what made the feng shui related content

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