Plants are regarded as inauspicious

Plants are regarded as inauspicious

Eucalyptus: eucalyptus is known as the "giant" in the tree, grows over time, it is said that the tree big crash, so incompatible with the old man planting the tree;But at the same time, the scientific research, eucalyptus has drive midge effect.

Like bananas as "swan curtilage" plant trees, actually it is poisonous araceae plant, the evening will be "respiration" exhaled carbon dioxide, pollution, and scramble for oxygen.Can they don't "curtilage" flourishing, and the move to that.So, this kind of plants do not into the interior.

From the standpoint of feng shui, the balcony plants selection

The balcony is an important port of foreign contact, therefore, also should pay attention to avoid or eliminate the adverse effects from inside and outside environment.Internally, the balcony door, had better not is opposite gate and kitchen the kanyu study on so-called "wear" bad pattern, the easy money to goods, not to get together.It is best to do a porch ark, to cut off between the door and balcony, or move a line between the balcony and kitchen, in order to does not affect the family action for the principle, put on the screen as a cover.If the space is not suitable for screen porch, can be in the balcony of be born door curtains for a long time, can also play a partition function.

Plant in wenchang southeast of the balcony

Because relatively empty balcony, sufficient sunlight, so many people like to grow all kinds of colorful flowers on the balcony.But in fact, appropriate or not have greatly exquisite.Experts said, the balcony is not suitable for planting green plants, have a lot to do with the position, the most suitable kind of plant is located in the southeast of the balcony, southeast of wenchang, wenchang like wood, because

This, the balcony of the bearing can be a variety of some tall and thick, big green leaves in, for the flourishing plants, can rush in wenchang, especially for people engaged in the work of writing, planning and other civilian.

, however, is located in the southwest and northeast of the balcony is not suitable for growing plants, otherwise can bring bad influence to family members of the stomach and fortune, in the southwest of plants, can also affect the mistress's fortune in the northeast of the plant will affect a child's education.If must be in the two bearing kind of thing, can some safflower plants, to dissolve the wood gas in the fire.

Less put sundry, keep open bright balcony as an important space of residential exchanges with the outside world, is one of the important channels, residential, gas cannot be ignored.Many people like to pile up sundry in the balcony, put the washing machine, etc., this not only affect the household space of the beautiful, comfortable, also can destroy the family fortune.

Experts say, it is best not to pile up on the balcony sundry, and often clean, try to keep open and bright, plant on the balcony and laundry note don't put the light shade.

If there is a road straight at the balcony outside, or corner, spire to rush shoot, or is in hospital, temples, etc., need to take some measures to resolve, common bagua mirror, the lion, the mythical wild animal, such as copper turtle evil spirit mascot.Experts special remind, if the balcony close across the residential, the mascot of improper use can cause "dou shui, to which people are very bad.At this time, can be in the balcony to grow plants there is a evil spirit of the role, such as cacti, keel, jade kirin, rose, azalea, etc, this kind of plant stem or Mosaic, with header not ji qi, ACTS as evil spirit town house.

Is seen as a bad omen of plant related content

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