Plants with feng shui Yin and Yang

Plants with feng shui Yin and Yang

In ancient times, a man too poor to only one room, a courtyard, do small business, but always at a loss, he was told, only square yard people, is a "prison" word, which limits the development of his.Then he listened, planted a tree in the middle of the courtyard, as a result, life has become increasingly poverty.

Later, there was a word master told him, and for the square in the middle of a tree, is a "trapped" word, it is the big fear of feng shui plants.In fact, in the indoor and outdoor plant some trees and flowers, not only can feast for the eyes, edify sentiment, appropriate can also be lucky solution and disaster.

The feng shui of ancient books in China, there is such a sentence: "the main points, the atrium plant trees add auspicious door of jujube xi;Court heart kind of wood more idle trapped, tree planting division main disaster ", "every tree to curtilage, back home."As for the interior, the vast majority of people all know that put a few evergreen, cycas, lucky grass, lucky bamboo leaf, thick and big leaf of green plants to "grow" "fortune".Actually, indoors "failure" or "evil", can put a sting of plants, for example, you are very familiar with the cactus, barbed roses, keel, reach the role of evil spirit.

Fengshui, green is the most auspicious healthy color, put appropriate plant in the bedroom, can build a kind of stability and quiet, warm and peaceful environment.Hot summer's easy to make people become irritable mood, if you see the big green leaves or delicate green, "heat" also vanished.So in the face of a great variety of plants, should you choose, what precautions again at the same time?

Different plants and be fond of of different points of Yin and Yang, the universe plants also follow the law of constant or raw or destroyed, such as brandy, rose, jasmine, the plum flower, peony, paeonia xi Yang plants, you put it in the damp environment, it is bad or not.Cuckoo, chrysanthemum is xi Yang plants, these plants have even facing the sun, have enough light to the normal flowering, otherwise, even if you again diligent fertilize it drench water, also of no help.Gloxinia, camellia, sweet-scented osmanthus, night, smiles at the flowers, no direct sunlight can blossom, such plants in neutral.Yang in Yin camellia, sweet-scented osmanthus, night, smiling, of gloxinia to Yin Yang.Asparagus, bamboo of curvature of the spinal column, evergreen, loose money plant, penglai, Brazil iron only requires very little light to grow normally, such plants are longer-term placed indoor, Yin plants.

In the daily household, put plants in the indoor decoration has become a fashion.After work, in the face of green plants is business, really feel heart chief use for delight, pleasing effect.But because of the plant have a Yin and Yang, fengshui is endowed with different meanings in different plants, before selecting plants, first to understand various plants of the good or ill luck and symbolism.

There are two kinds of plants is usually divided into good or ill luck standards:

One is whether there is a gas, divisions of venom.

Cordate telosma, although can catch mosquitoes, but it's extraordinary fragrance smell, can make the risk of high blood pressure and heart of the people feel uncomfortable.Jade silk, the flower is big, but will cause allergy;Said the sea, although some books speak to house has the effect that "evil spirit evil", but has the allergic reaction on the skin mucous membrane cells.It can be said that this kind of plant doesn't "prosperous curtilage" not "evil spirit evil", it will attract evil of trouble!Therefore such a fierce at the plant.

The second is the shape of the tree concerning XiongJi.Who is not well-formed, modesty to develop normal trees is fierce.This is afraid is psychological effect and traditional cultural aesthetic concepts at work.

And auspicious tree are usually based on plant characteristics, moral, and even harmonics to determine, more recognized by the world.

Regarded as auspicious plants: orange, "orange" has the meaning of "ji" auspicious, potted orange is a good home decoration;Lucky grass: at the age of green growth, symbol of "prosperity", also called seocho;Cedrela: cedrela easy long longevity, in some placesThe childTouch cedrela prayed to quickly grow;Locust tree, is considered to represent "lu", rooted in the courtyard;Peach: as the element of jing, can the demons to ward off bad luck, how to peach wood charms against evil hanging on the door;Willow: as well as the role of peach, multi-purpose willow inserted in the portal to exorcism;Gourd: in feng shui, the gourd for luck.Tests prove that now, "gourd" device I can prohibit the interference of light waves and radiation.

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