What is the high ground

What is the high ground

Chinese geomantic learn three principles: unity of earth principle;A balance of Yin and Yang principle;Based on the five elements principle.

Chinese geomantic learn according to the residential environment is different, and there was a so-called Wells cities have curtilage, desert curtilage, valley house, such as classification, such as ternary geographic, they on the geomantic learn to paraphrase, and focused.For the wilderness curtilage and valley house, because of its close to natural geographical surroundings, and more pay attention to shape;While well city curtilage, because of its external environment restriction, often in shape, Richard.

Feng shui theory is actually the earth physics, hydrogeology, cosmic objects, meteorology, landscape, architecture, ecology and human life informatics integration of multiple disciplines such as a natural science.Its aim is to carefully investigate and understand the natural environment, use and transform the nature, so as to create a good living environment, has won the best conditions and and combining site, achieve the unity of nature and to the good state.

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