Feng shui is our pursuit of good living environment and dream

Feng shui is our pursuit of good living environment and dream

China is one of the most abundant power, historical and cultural heritage is a cultural product consumption market's most populous country, is the weak of the industrialization of culture.Regardless, neighboring South Korea, for one,"The Dragon Boat Festival"Is a traditional Chinese festival, but by South Korea in 2006 with" "preveiling properties for success;While China's feng shui will "migration" to "settle down" in the United States.In the United States, there are nearly 20 universities courses in professional feng shui, more than 500 kinds of congress library version of the book of feng shui, market sales of feng shui books, 1200.In addition, Japan, South Korea, the feng shui as a heritage.

It's make us confuse: China for thousands of years the accumulation of the principle of the survival jilted we bit by bit, let them become the exotic culture of wealth?!

Is the highest state of fengshui, the pursuit of the harmony of nature and human life, no matter from the height of the conception, the theory or the vast scope of the content and deep influence, are fully embodies the sages of the Chinese nation's intelligence and wisdom, and they have the courage to explore the natural mystery and seek the well-being of future generations the lofty spirit and sense of responsibility.Geomantic learn is that they are left to the contemporary and future of China and even the people of the world a precious wealth, should be inheritance and carry forward.A few years ago, there is also a senior government officials declared that "feng shui kanyu is mixed heritage", can say preliminary saw the real knowledge of fengshui.

Facing the current problems of Chinese feng shui heritage, we must first understand what feng shui is.

1. The feng shui is human yearning for a better life

The world heritage committee of China - XiDi ancient villages in southern anhui province, hong cun evaluation: "the two village site selection, layout and architectural form, on the basis of zhouyi geomantic theory as the instruction, embodies the unity of nature and Chinese traditional philosophy and yearning and respect for nature.The elegance of the Ming and qing residential buildings closely in harmony with nature, to create a scientific, living environment and rich taste of life, is the essence of Chinese traditional local-style dwelling houses."

2. Feng shui is the value orientation of human and the nature harmonious coexistence

We humans consume resources faster than the speed of the earth's resources regeneration, therefore there are a lot of people are called on to reduce human destruction of nature, in accordance with the idea to think and plan for the sustainable development of the human way of life.And the human and the nature harmonious coexistence is the value orientation of feng shui.

3. Feng shui is the use of natural resources for human service

As we all know, dujiangyan, compared with the famous water conservancy project in ancient China, the conception, design, location unique;Return pattern, land investment, since the "rivalry is not with water of water conservancy strategy from a tree signs;Economies of scale, unique.It is the natural ecology, science and culture, closely combined with the product of human and nature.It is the greatest place built weir for more than 2250 years, enduring, and plays a more and more benefits.Dujiangyan to create, in order to does not destroy the natural resources, make full use of natural resources for human services for the premise, change for profit, make the person highly unified, land, water, is the world's so far only a great "ecological engineering".

4. Feng shui is the regulation of the spiritual life and the lesson

The vast earth, where is my home?, where is my comfort?Modern society full of competition, the endless pursuit of sensory stimulation, especially when people material comforts and simmering, will cause physical and mental disorders, the psychological imbalance, split personality, moral decay.The resulting many disharmonious phenomena, seriously affected the social peace.People want to seek help from feng shui culture and enlightenment, and hope that through understanding of feng shui culture hasten lucky avoids disaster, as the regulation of the spiritual life and instructive, feng shui is the essence of the pursuit of people, people and the environment, environmental harmony with the environment.So-called human and, kiss;Man and heaven, the spirit;And the people and, raw;In the home and home and xing,In the countries and Ann,And all the time, the prosperity;And everywhere, the peaceful country and safe people.

5. Feng shui is a precious heritage

Feng shui is a product of the impergium, is the original of the Chinese nation and non-renewable cultural heritage resources.When people appreciate XiDi, hong cun, poetry of the Ming and qing architecture, pastoral scenery;Lamenting the dujiangyan water conservancy engineering wonderful artical excelling nature, majestic, in appreciation and exclamation embodies the future generations of ancestors in the era of low labor productivity of farming can create brilliant heart of admiration and the ancients wisdom and cultural legacy of gratitude.

Along with the globalization trend of strengthening, the speeding up of the modernization process, and the entry of foreign culture, Chinese cultural heritage, including feng shui, impacted by the increasing;Many buildings built in accordance with the theory of feng shui, rely on the inheritance of feng shui operation experience, dictation and behavior are disappearing or dying, rescue and protection is urgent.

6. Feng shui is a huge wealth

Chinese feng shui will "immigration to the United States," and "settle down" there, then the return of the "overseas", in the form of goods, services and talent back to China.Said earlier, the United States is the most attention in the studies of feng shui.Signs that China's feng shui theory and practice has become a cultural resources, content and form, in the United States has creative research and development of cultural industries, the distance is only a matter of time for the industrialization of the geomantic culture.

In a word, feng shui is both strange and familiar to us, is seemingly far away and just around the corner, but it is related to our life: home, work, love, wealth, health...Almost all things can be associated with it.So, how to better use of this precious heritage "feng shui" is one of our major task.

Feng shui is our pursuit of good living environment and dream related content

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