The ancient feng shui masters

The ancient feng shui masters

Eastern jin yi father of shanhaijing summarized

Shanhaijing summarized for mathematics are fine, the feng shui of profound knowledge, known at the time.When he did not famous, the death of his mother, shanhaijing summarized a common piece of selected put her mother was buried.The land close to the water, often will be submerged by the flood, when there are many feng shui master of the land is not good, and suggested to him.Shanhaijing summarized laugh after xie, and said see you later.Strange to say, a year later, the flood did not rise up, but far away, around the graveyard in decades into a classy fertile land.Later, people have to sit up and take notice to him, his fame grew from this, many people, who were of the distance he went to the tomb, buried grave, please.JinMing emperor at that time is an incredibly common feng shui people, hear shanhaijing summarized tomb to people everywhere, and very fulfilled, traveling incognito, to observe the grave was buried by the shanhaijing summarized the behavior choice.Once, on the mountain Angle, see a villain, is buried the dragon horn, then JinMing emperor went to Carl said, "why do you want to bury the dragon horn?In accordance with the law, to bury dragon horn is to deal with the way."Were answered, "is Mr Shanhaijing summarized told me, he said here, was buried the dragon horn, within three years, as to the right."JinMing emperor a listen to nasty, said: "was buried here, will the son of heaven?"And asked, "are you in the burial tomb, is a right for home?"Villain after listen to say with smile: "is not my home will be in the right, just can let the son of heaven come here to ask."This is the word of shanhaijing summarized.It serves to show its geomantic art level and high precision.JinMing emperor and resolved must find shanhaijing summarized this master.Later JinMing emperor met shanhaijing summarized, learnt a lot from his feng shui knowledge, and cancel the a buried dragon horn, with a way of the criminal law.

Once again, there is a call changyu grandfather died, officials in shanhaijing summarized, please go and help him choose burial tomb, shanhaijing summarized after a few days, chose two holes.He told changyu said: "your beautiful cave, there are two problems, can live hundreds of years after the first was buried, to three department, but children don't.Taking second place to minus the half, as check Yu Qing school, but it can be the future generations the dignitaries.I don't know which one are you going to choose?"Changyu after listen to want to also didn't want to, you chose the second place directly.This shows the Chinese traditional concept, is the hope of generations to thrive.Shanhaijing summarized father did a lot of feng shui, has a very big impact on later generations, his magnum opus "was buried by the" still be the feng shui master as a treasure.

Regarded pine

From 834 to 900, the common name Yang to save the poor, yi, uncle MAO, narration pine, sinus state, in the tang dynasty renowned feng shui master.

Regarded worked in tang room, regressive officer, also learned in the general officer at the geomantic art to the people, and learned to help others, it is known as "Yang save poor" this.

According to the south a government record "records:" regarded pine, sinus state, Xi dynasty, palm gv 10 directors, officer to Jin Ziguang eloth, doctor huang chao uprising broke the national capital, is to send into the kunlun mountains, step to execute the state after the dragon, to transmit the geographical art Zeng Wen 辿, jiang-dong liu, he "to save the poor fairy" is also, pawn Yu Qian, buried Yu mouth."

About regarded work problems, so far, there are still a lot of controversy.Geomantic learn in several classics such as "the day the jade" the qing capsule the language according to tianbao the etc, a lot of people think is regarded pine.However, from the style and content, and Yang's two other works "shake the dragon" dragon suspected sutra differ.Have said that, "day the jade", "Mr Green sac," according to tianbao, and so on library for the palace, never leaked.Only when young's left the palace, the feng shui books away.To the posterity, due to the original classic did not indicate the author, future generations will also books regarded the to loose her.

Cai Yuanding

No JiTong, from 1135 to 1198, western hills.Fujian jianyang ma sha.Mr Zhu xi's master, he "xishan, ancient kanyu famous scientists.

His father Cai Fa is a famous neo-confucianism.Cai Yuanding adept at feng shui said, was built in the xishan mountain, hard to read.Qian six years (in 1170), zhu xi and Cai Yuanding in fujian xishan, cloud valley on the other side of the mountain extremely, learning together, is known as the "tin leader," "fujian study gancheng".The son of zhu xi to Cai Yuanding their daughter to the lion and in-laws.Celebrating yuan two years (in 1196), Korea Tuo stomach authoritarian, hit the neo-confucianism partisans, he liangjun (referred to as "WeiXue", Cai Yuanding live in exile said state (now hunan).Before he left mentoring in jianyang dam bridge drinking manner and two years later, CAI die pounded ling.Sank his son CAI help Jiu thousands of miles, and was buried jianyang chung issued the hills Chen Bu village green haze, the source of Zhu Xiqin to send offerings, eulogy yue: "die JiTong, but at this point.Pure aims of the knowledge, suffering only, do not bend the ambition, not poor debate, no longer available and see him."He is the author of "the temperament of his book" the emperor extremely classic refers to the eight array, mai jing and other books.


Liao yu, the word "yu, dinin to people in the tang dynasty, from number" gold mountain man ", the later called "Liao Jin essence", more famous feng shui master.15 then read the classics, it is said that his party so fellow villager had called him the "liao five classics".With Lai Buyi, Yang to save the poor, Zeng Wen 辿 is regarded as "gannan's four kanyu father".

Three is also a feng shui master, because my father liao liao yu have been exposed to, for geomantic learn also produced great interest, and shuddering late tang dynasty, the imperial hiatus, liao yu began to concentrate on research integrity.Later have to spread to save poor Mr Green sac language, "learning, and the other makes Liao Gong nine star, will be divided into various yamagata solar, lunar, ZiQi, jinshui, TianCai, plough, solitary obsidian, dryness and fire swept through nine, nine kinds of change for each star.According to the geography authentic records: "Rao pure Liao Yu, word, or cloud word among all nations.Dinin, hidden gold mountain, gold pure mountain man.The author of "acupuncture point method", "drain cat" and the aojiang extremely aurin."

Now its his works have the holes act "drain cat" the aojiang extremely aurin "HuaiYu sutra" look original song "Liao Gong haling sutra" divination example "" a lamp" "nine, the variable", etc.

Lai Buyi

Birth year is unknown, the only known, was born in bei song period, formerly known as Lai Feng okada, nguyen van tuan, where state 旴 river (now jiangxi fengshan, pingnan), because of the "cloth", known as "Lai Buyi", and number is too plain, mountain man, the prophet, a famous Chinese kanyu and save the poor, Yang Zeng Wen 辿, liao yu is regarded as "gannan's four kanyu father".

According to legend has high school scholar Lai Buyi nine years old.Later as does GongShi, but his indulged in number, and father dies on the officialdom frustrated again, then abandon the authority officer.In a near, professor kanyu study, learn to search point of kung fu.After Lai Buyi with their exquisite kanyu technique, deeds almost all over the whole of China.Candidate tomb for he is good at, had chosen for yan-zhang luo dead wife's tomb, pointed out that this tomb could make his son in the examination room, and sure enough his son really in the list.Later, have preached Lai Buyi he who sees through the world of mortals, dun hidden mountain, see the trace.When he had to dexing, once granted Fu Botong kanyu study, etc.And Lai Buyi hometown "cloth temple" was listed as key cultural relics protection units and tourist attractions.His works include the act of warming acupuncture point "the rush officer", etc.

Jiang Dahong

From 1616 to 1714, cosette, word order, also known as ZhuSheng, Vivian, ZongYang son, door called the "Du Ling master".Famous between Ming dynasty and early qing feng shui, the integrity, also of famous poems.From generation to generation in huating zhangze (now ZhangZe Town songjiang district).

Jiang Dahong lost youth, middle-aged father.Beginning with the parent anxi and learning form home feng shui.After the number of citations and found a lot of inappropriate place, but I don't know how to correct them.

After the accident, have to promise the son teach xuan feng shui, as if a bliss.Then set each method, tries to achieve mastery through a comprehensive, successively XiWu sky column hoses, wuyi road flyover YangZhai method, etc.So after ten years, Chiang began traveling around, citation learned to feng shui, ten years again, to fully grasp the truth of empty xuan feng shui, become a generation of Chinese feng shui master.The late Jiang Dahong settle in shaoxing kuaijishan the creek.

Jiang Dahong early studied poetry with clouds sent zi-long Chen, also has the fame, future generations also called Chiang clouds sent one of the representative figure of poetry.

His poetry with strong feelings, is a lyric style.And Ming wu, its style is more important than national subjugation.Poetry works have a machine set (with master shen, Zhou Jixian co-authored one hundred million).

And when I was born in Ming dynasty because of national subjugation, Chiang cease to have deep feelings.Ming wu, once put into the king, awarded ministry of war SiWu, later promoted to official history.After the Ming wu, Chiang also no longer from the officer, devote to feng shui and research and creation of poetry.Kangxi seventeen years, run history with the court, have learned leong words literati.When someone the above-mentioned recommendations Jiang Dahong, but Chiang delay.

Its feng shui works have come down to have a "geographical justification" the gold every word the hoses sutra "tianyuan five songs.

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