Dream of vultures

Dream of vulture is what mean?Dream dream of vultures, ok?Dream of vultures have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of vultures detailed solution.

Dream of vultures

The vultures main disaster.Vulture is bad, so in the dream symbolizes the disaster.

Dream of vultures, there will be a disaster.Be careful in all things.

Dream of vultures, suggesting that your opponent will give you with disaster, to discourage you.So be sure to be careful beware of.

Dream of vulturesA fightThat will happen on the way outA car accident, but it can close.Suggested that as far as possible out of town.

Dream of vultures in the fly, suggesting that evil will come, in recent period of time in the life and work, best can low-key point on that may be able to avoid disaster.

Dream of vulture landed in a tree, it is suggested that you can subdue the opponent.So boldly to carry out your work be, no one can stop you.

Dream of shot vulture, is auspicious, means all difficulties will pass away.

Dream of vultures fly overhead, this is ominous, suggesting that has the family member to leave the world soon, or seriously ill.Good love myself and love the people around you.

Dream of vultures, indicate you unfortunately provoked a mob.He was determined to harm you, must kill you;Unless the dream of you see the vultures injured or dead, or you will not.

A womanDream of vultures, predicted she would face and respond to gossip about their own sky and terror.

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Dream of the best fine strands should be paid attention to.The vultures fly in my dream, said it would increase;Fall to the ground are said to be depreciated.

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