Maharaja LingQian 34 is not sufficient, the failed to sign

Maharaja LingQian34 sign

Sign: snake, not enough, not born dragon horn day, away from the dark light.

Solution to sign:Now, there is no one thing, enough to prove that your luck is from the bottom to turn over,Now, there is no one thing that you have to get rid of the downturn situation of anxiety and step into the royal road to learning.Unless, that is, "the snake was born dragon horn" the day of arrival, that is really far away from darkness, sweeps away haze, see light, bright beautiful happy time.

Paraphrase: don't be a "false", is the purpose of the sign.Everything is to clearly recognize the current situation, is a pestle in the trend of rising or falling?To be effective and appropriate response.Because trend, different methods must be different.So, how important is the trend of "awareness" in the subject.If the power, the snake to the third, decyl for dragon horn, "snake dragon horn" is for "decyl the third day also.Decyl third days come to be "from the dark light".

A comprehensive explanation:

Fame: don't don't boast about, we assure you the most beautiful.

Promotion: patience conceive, will be a good omen.

Career: keep business, wanli inati on Ann.

Items: find patience, or have a good news.

Profit: timing is not good, for profit is still poor.

Disease condition is still dark, should not be optimistic.

Marriage: how to shoot, and then decide whether.

Pedestrian: desire unrequited, postpone our meeting.

Evidence: remains to be seen, be careful.

Travel: travel time is wrong, have regret.

Stores: break the illusion, do not panic.

Liujia: careful calculations, a male and slow.

Officer litigation: don't don't huan xi, find out.

Slow animals: a few days, the eyebrow joys yan.

House: look, cautious xingjia.

Seeks: seriously to do, after xi will more.

To: when not to, this is still early.

ZuYing: dragon gas not to, he was the merits.

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