Maharaja LingQian 33 sign is xi xi xi is not joy, xi xi

Maharaja LingQianArticle 33 sign

Sign: xi xi is xi xi xi, is not happy, waiting for Yang and scene, peach blossom tree form in March.

Sign: sometimes, even though you feel very happy, that is not true joy.Sometimes, you feel very happy, that is really is a real joy.In fact, false and true joy, depends entirely on it's clear clear or dark chaos.So, until the days of march and the land is full of Yang and the scene of a Japan Korea peach tree full of fruit, everything will be "clear", is "an empty joy", then nature will be revealed.

Definition: don't be fooled, card not now, still in the air.Words don't say too full, otherwise, the chicken mouth become duck mouth, that will leave a laughing stock.All things are still in the process of development, the feeling is "speculation", emotional reaction is too strong, "words for three points" will not cause to consequences.

A comprehensive explanation:

Fame: never tire tirelessly, fame.

Don't heavy promotion: the gain and loss, ordinary mind.

Career: careful self sustaining, waiting for the day.

Items: unaccounted for, give return.

Profit: bek outside, a mo.

Disease: dark condition, the spring to see again.

Marriage: temporarily not decided, more listen more.

Pedestrian: although no information, return in March.

Evidence: vain, not at this time.

Travel: appropriate the rescheduled, spring without deception.

Stores: impatience useless, think again active.

Liujia: good day, more male before the summer.

Officer litigation: situational chaos and stay to the spring.

Animals: for a leisurely and carefree, after the spring again.

House: keep this, more than endure everything.

oSeeks: come in March, the success or failure in mind.

To: and consider, why white busy.

Don't show, artificial pruning ZuYing: landscape.

Maharaja LingQian 33 sign is xi xi xi is not joy, xi xi related content

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