Taurus libra girls and boys

The boyTaurusAnd the girllibraConstellation matching

TaurusTaurus libra girls and boys paired _ the zodiaclibra

Constellation matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required

Libra woman is not expected.You will never know how she will manage to achieve a goal.You all know is that she will achieve a goal.

"What?"You will shout, "a gentle, feminine girl like her bossy is how?"But that doesn't mean that she must be in her bikini on "bossy" two characters to publicize the fact that (in order to do some people think that she is a cow).Libra woman to Venus, the planet is full of peace, love, beauty and harmony, and all good things, gentle stars.Taurus men out to Venus, but Taurus is a sign of women, and libra is the sign of men.This does not make her become naughty, as does not make he becomesA womanGas (bull will effeminate?).It has a profound meaning.Men born under the sign of men, women born under the sign of women, is always a little easier, in the future work will be more natural.However, the opposite will not necessarily unhappy.Usually, the masculine work will only make a girl more brave - while women features work will only make men more sensitive.: there's nothing wrong with some advantages between the sexes.Only when doing too dangerous.These two signs seem to be not too much.They may not doing enough.

Palace marks on all born in women under men Taurus is least likely to feminine features such as passive, quietly tolerated, yielding performance too.He will be in a gentle and considerate showed his strong and stubborn, as long as he is not too conspicuous temperament of the barbarians.Libra girl in neutralizing their own gender features will have a little trouble.After all, she is the symbol of balance, and balance has very fine adjustment mechanism.Her innate sense of justice and selflessness of judgment, the role of male characteristics, plus day palace may make she announced to politics.

Libra girl almost is always beautiful.Even if she wear the simple, her incomparable smile would make him feel her beautiful.She has dimples, her eyes are affectionate, her voice clear and moving, her style is elegant and generous.In front of strangers, she is a woman full of angels;In that day at home, she was her palace main principle of male dominated: power, strength, courage, active - insight - conquest and rule.She was able to arrange their own career, and in life, or from men, to get what she wants.This doesn't mean that she is flawless, but she does have a much more solid than it looks armor, to protect her from harm.And she can recover quickly.

Taurus once heart is hurt, slow recovery.He has good reason to make sure it with a libra girl play love game.Taurus only after a thoughtful decision.He is only on one thing to discuss with others after mature consideration.Then he will be careful and seldom change their views.She act as prudent, and rarely change their views.Once she made up his mind to, can with incredible strength to achieve, never give up to reach the goal.So she can't understand why people unjustly accused her of not decisive.She can have such an unfair reputation, is due to her before finally determined, want to have a period of time to consider and weigh.Taurus people consider time is reasonably used in quiet contemplation.And the person will this period of time for both sides debate for a long time, can even debate late into the night.She may lack of enthusiasm for marathon talk to him.

She shouldn't be too hard on him.He has tried.But as long as he found that the discussion to this question is irrelevant with yourself, he is not interested, said zhao said zhao will be sleeping.She wants to wake him up easily, as long as you turn off the lights, quietly suggested that he do he is interested in things, namelyTo make love.She couldn't wake him up to the heated debate, doesn't mean that she couldn't wake him physically.The bull always have passion in their sex lives.

Between the man and the woman is usually very strong physical attraction, may be because they were attracted to each other and to be close to the basis of rarely overlooked.The most strong through the sexual expression of the relationship between them.Her way to his sensual, the shadow of the reality needs may be some too abstract., however, they are both full of romantic feelings, know how to love, and affection fused into an organic whole, in order to obtain perfect effect.This is emphasis on sexual curiosity and satisfaction, but also emphasizes the selfless dedication and service palace type 6-8.

There is no denying the fact that the Taurus men often give the libra women bring good luck.His presence to quiet her agitated mind.And no one can be more firmly than Taurus, reliable, and comfortable to guide her through the terribly tormented by indecision those moments.His humor, his warmth reliability and common sense - often it was when she was upset, the quality of the special needs.After all, even the birds often should rest under the tree and a nest there, because they feel there safe and reliable, no matter how much they like to fly.

Another between the two is a pleasant thing is that she is born of that day just can neutralize Taurus natural optimism pessimism.When Taurus man addicted to frustration swamp, no one can be as easily as the charming lady made him happy.If she tried to pull him into her social activities turning vortex, or hope he drums blowing her to a protest with the printed word balloons, he would balk at that time.But when she's with her charming smile and light toffee voice coax him, he will become a lovely teddy bear.As long as she admitted the fact that the male authority, he would admire her in your heart.There are few bulls will at heart really believe that men and women are equal in all respects.Taurus man for his libra lady so quietly proud of each transaction management way.Counsel in this need a bit, don't let he found her his true talent management.

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