Taurus boys and girls Aquarius pairing

The boyTaurusAnd the girlAquarius:Constellation matching

TaurusTaurus boys and girls Aquarius matching _ the zodiacAquarius:

Constellation matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required

Aquarius is a very special woman, she needs a very special men.So, someone says she is incredibleA womanMen, she needs to have exceptional patience.

Such a man is most Taurus, they remind you they are a man of extraordinary patience, remind you of their other advantages, so as to promote themselves.Female water container's personality is unique, for most of us, one means special kind.But for soil palace, unique usually means incredible and strange, not to be trusted.It is simply a question of definition.Taurus important things to remember is that the lady is different.Her interest masculine Taurus, because she is mysterious.This is not hisScorpioWomen around feel mysterious, it is to want to know the mystery of her evil or pure, cold or warm.To ms Uranus, it is to want to know if she really have the feeling of mystery.He was deeply impressed by the mystery.

Around her have a pleasant vague smell, that is completely natural.She was born in the gas under the palace.A lot of things is difficult to determine.For example, when she began to say a word, and then stop hanging in mid-air...When he said "I love you" when she looked at the distance, can't remember his name, and so on.Later, the Taurus will find that she is very clearly know when Taurus think her attention on wandering.She won't miss any nuances.Her on the surface of the ambiguous only bespeak her thoughts drifting around, waiting for the situation to her already arrive early.If a man is not in her power flow on the road, that is a real hassle di kind, she instinctively exit to transfer to another channel.Aquarius women may be here.Or may be in there, but here and there are always in the distant place.

Because of the woman in love and in all matters in the very great degree is an individualist, when she in advance so made the rule of their love.No matter what the rule is, no matter they are in accordance with the standards of other people appear how formal or casual, she is treat them sincerely, sincerely treat their own.It is this to be honest and upright character like a magnet with draw the Taurus men into Aquarius girl, and he often surprisingly tolerance rule of her love, even when these principles with his character and courage when there is friction can tolerate.He saw clearly that she is one of the world's few remaining honest, one of the few ethical, trustworthy, one of the reliable...Wait a minute, suspended.She is honest and ethical, but Taurus man, if you expect she trusted and reliable as the starting point, then you are asking for trouble.

Indeed, she like a bull in a constant palace, is essentially constant.She is also a good organizer, like him, she also likes the storage and collection.This is not because she is saving, or a street sweeper or thief, also not because of any sensitive and reality (to the Taurus).Storage and collecting things is to inspire her imagination.She preferred artifact (Taurus preferred break them), her store all kinds of useless things, like his father's shaving mugs, she bathed in summer the sun when a friend gave her naked painting, etc.Don't worry, the friends are women, and, most of Uranus rule women with same-sex partners without being in the woods is not serious, is not shy feeling.Some of them don't feel close to shame in the crowd, but we don't talk about these bottles - Taurus temporarily haven't fall in love with this kind of person.Her interest in ancient artifacts (if she is a typical Aquarius) will provoke Taurus, make him enormous frustration and rage.Such a man like the past traditional and production of elegant furniture, the furniture is made of craftsmen spent more than three weeks, he didn't go to those who sit go up and then die of fragile and delicate artifact.When a lot of Taurus is reading the evening newspaper market reports/wore Aquarius wife to buy a chair in the 19th century, and, with its hard sat in a chair seat Taurus poor performance on the whole thing.

The two people are nervous of 4-10 palace type, the influence of was instigated by the vibration of this a little bit of a problem, often lead to conflict.Both of them should be aware of, when not fully expected, they each temper are possible.Taurus is really angry always make people feel surprise and shock, just because he seldom get angry.Aquarius people also get angry and make her lover or her husband was surprised and shocked, it's just because she is subject to Uranus, the planet motivate her to do all the things are no line sign.She will be home in 15 minutes or so, she's also letting.He brought back a present.

We're now going back to their both sides tend to store things.Taurus like her are good storage yard to preserve the memory of the past, although he will be coy and stubbornly say these junk have some practical USES.The old useless, but she should let him find them helpful.(cancerAlso store things, but with different reasons.Partly because of the emotional factors, but most because their claws sticking, not loosen.Well, she and he are all fixed.Organizers are excellent, all want to collect things.But, when it comes to the reliable quality, Aquarius is a constant in the family "black sheep" (" black sheep "is not necessarily a derogatory term - you know, they have the courage to do different).The other three fixed palace Taurus,Leo, Scorpio is completely reliable, but this is the place of Aquarius is separated from the family.

She will go to keep his word, although will make great efforts on time for appointments.When she was talking about things if deep feelings, she seldom take back what I said.This is commendable, but her strange clothes and manners, and her behavior in the sudden Uranus type winding, her unexpected changes.And she likes to give you surprise, can be referred to as reliable.They can only be called uncertain.Taurus men usually routine, his behavior can be predicted, he doesn't like winding, even the most evil enemy he never thinks he's weird.He has been in the boundless huge crowd looking for an honest woman.

The Aquarius girl, she had the courage to convince.Then he thought of his own search is over.But her strange?She's wearing those ridiculous costume, strange hairstyle, her odd statement and she told those dangerous lunatics sympathy, red eye?She what happened about the world around them not alert enough consciousness, because she is only woman?Maybe she need him to protect.

Can't deny she may need to be protected.But, she did not alert the reason for this is that age was her age Aquarius, as Aquarius people themselves, she know what don't have to abide by the rules, unless you have to abide by it.She is always content with life at the beach, not on involved people who love the mountains.She always comb the hair style that oneself like, regardless of friends shave their heads to stay or braid.If she could make him understand that he doesn't have to for what had happened too nervous, that's just your own brilliant the beginning of a new era, conservative or liberal, barefoot or wearing boots, long or short, began.It only means that live and let others live.

Now, the Taurus understand the last sentence.As long as he met the unpleasant things can have a little complain, he completely willing to live and let others live.Both of them tend to be "heard", however, they should put this idea for themselves and also for the world, don't laugh at each other is wrong.In all 4-10 couples, how much each person bound the style of another person, this relationship has the characteristics of the restrictions.

Her deep tendency of Aquarius performance on her sex, and because no deep in Taurus of factors, this may be a little bit of a problem, cause mild insomnia.Although she method has the characteristics of fantasy and complex of sex, but his method is simple, really.Aquarius body need never as strong as Taurus or that thick.Of Taurus warm and emotional nature, however, one point moved her heart, she wants to please him.Her out of step in a relationship to be honest, blunt features, raises the Taurus generous tolerance, a protective barrier, it definitely will not diminish his masculinity.

Whether the man was surrounded by love, he always greedy to get more love.However, no matter how many, Aquarius girl presented him with her always forced to share with all of her friends and their love.Sometimes, it seems that there is not enough love for both of them.When you just ask for, love is never enough.Only when you pay, will have endless love.

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