For virgo

The earliest Chinese verse for a certain structure, strict rules, such as the pre-qin period of poetic SiYan feeling, every sentence in the book of songs.After development for wu or books, in the tang dynasty.Further development of economy and culture, song dynasty and yuan dynasty poem content gradually expanded and deduced, by the end of new-democratic revolution, verses evolved into free verse without the restrictions of the word.Poetry is a reflection of the poet, is a poet when he is in the heart of the emotional projection, poetry is the poet's dream...Now you just take a look at small make up for the constellation of poetry, roaming the world poetry.

For virgo poem _ the zodiac


How to let you meet me

In my most beautiful moment

For this

I have in front of the Buddha for five hundred years

Let us promise a destiny

So I turned into a tree

On the way you pass

The sun

Carefully open full of flowers

You are my past life of hope

When you come near

Would you please listen

The trembling leaves

Is my waiting for enthusiasm

And when you finally to ignore

Behind you fell all over the floor

A friend!

That's not petals,The zodiac /astro/)

That was my withered heart

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