Virgo's favorite joke big highlights

Today, small make up to tell you a joke, said is we xiao Ming, he tomorrowThe testBut is watching TV in the evening, xiao Ming mother was afraid to ask: have you finished the book?Have an exam tomorrow, xiao Ming is readily answer: mom, I finished watching.Xiao Ming mother will happy praise xiao Ming: good, tomorrow, then you must take an examination of well!Xiao Ming cried said: mom, I said, 'mom, I see, finished'.Everyone's the punchline, understanding is different also, small make up feel very funny, so share with everyone, well, usThe zodiacWhat's favorite joke is?Have a look at ourvirgo.

Virgo's favorite joke big highlights _ the zodiac

The dormitory a pretentious handsome boy, his girlfriend as a cloud!Ya slogan: "there is no can't chase girl".I was angry on the spot, bet 50 pieces, let ya go after our monitor (different).Ya is cattle, agreed on the spot.Monitor of the second day he came back, "the grass, you are male.On the third day, I lose 50.

Wife: "every time I sing, why do you always want to the balcony?"Husband: "I wanted to let everyone know that I am not playing you."

A man goes to churchTo get marriedHere, he asked the priest: "how much does it cost to get married?"The priest said: "it will depend on the appearance of the bride, bride the better charge is higher."The man his head low grant a one yuan coin from his pocket and gave a pastor.The priest looked at the bride, fifty cents to the man.

One day go to the bank, the place that take the door staff need to take number son queuing, I asked where to take the son?There is a button after answer the door.Only after I ran to the door to see the wall there is a similar switch button, then press.In the bank all the hall lights, I saw several security armed with guns to me...

A virgin just strange

Lanzhou suddenly no power, one day he finally said, "you give some comment?"

Hence everyone laughed

In high school, an English exam, the teacher after pressing the tape, sitting in front of a boy away to fill in the answer, look at the back of his confidence than we are all from sigh, listening to an abrupt end, he put down the pen and natural and unrestrained, at this time recorder came: "hearing audition time is over, now began to formal examination.

A group of brothers in the QQ group chat, suddenly asked about who I want to marry in the future, hoping to answer l, a pinyin lyf dozen out was luo yufeng, and then I decisive point, and then I will be online all BS.

One day going to snack street found a shop that sells egg tart every look very delicious, I want to buy a try to ask clerk: is this a single sell?Shop assistant: no, this is Japan.(the zodiac/astro /)

On a bus, two big ye, I give a sit, next to a man, I stood at his side failed to stared his one eye, want to let him make a seat for another big ye, but he failed to back to stare at me, so I said, see what see, quickly offered his seat to the big ye, may be I look too fierce, he hurriedly said to me: the big ye you sit down...

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