Cancer's favorite joke big highlights

Today, small make up to tell you a joke, said is we xiao Ming, he tomorrowThe testBut is watching TV in the evening, xiao Ming mother was afraid to ask: have you finished the book?Have an exam tomorrow, xiao Ming is readily answer: mom, I finished watching.Xiao Ming mother will happy praise xiao Ming: good, tomorrow, then you must take an examination of well!Xiao Ming cried said: mom, I said, 'mom, I see, finished'.Everyone's the punchline, understanding is different also, small make up feel very funny, so share with everyone, well, usThe zodiacWhat's favorite joke is?Have a look at ourcancer.

Cancer's favorite joke big highlights _ the zodiac


A fat man fell on the second floor, from 10 - the result becomes, dead fat!


A sugar, walked and walked in the arctic, think he is so cold, - and then turned into a rock candy.


Mother pick up daughter from kindergarten, on the way home to ask: "what English teacher today?"The daughter said: "big Sprite."Your mother after the second day to the kindergarten to ask the teacher, the teacher said, "teach of capital" B "yesterday."


Two banana tandem shopping, walk along the front of the banana feel very hot, so he took off my clothes and guess what results - banana fell behind.


A black cat put a white cat from the river save up, do you know what white to black cat said that later?It said: "meow,"


Two tomato go shopping, a tomato suddenly walk fast, the second tomato ask: where are we going to?A tomato didn't answer, so two tomato asked again.The first tomatoes have no answer, so two tomato asked again.A tomato finally turned slowly, said: we are not tomatoes? Will we talk?


Once upon a time there was a steamed bread walk on the road, it go ah go suddenly hungry...So it will eat your own...


A polar bear at a boring, pull his hair, one, two, three...........................Plucking, polar bear suddenly said: "I'm so cold!"


Have a match, it walk on the road, go, go, go, go, go! Go! Go! Go...It suddenly feel itchy heads, so it is scratched, scratch scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch scratch......Later...Later it burning themselves, and finally put out ~ ~ ~

NO.10:(the zodiac/astro /)

Have personal long like Onions, walked and walked, wept..

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