What is cancer men and women in the eyes of the opposite sex

A man in the eyes of the cancer woman:

Don't too surprised the little monster, put on an act, is a kind of goodA womanImage, love the family loveThe childFor the person I love, willing to sacrifice, is a wife and mother superior PI son, is also willing to suffer with men type, training base is a successful man.Conservative and sensitive, after marriage to family as the axis, with all my heart, cultivated, often forget to be a woman, easy to become yellow face shiva, always marking time, even in terms of their husband and wife from the pull, the greater the wife do entrepreneurs, but doesn't do a winner's wife.

Cancer men and women in the eyes of the opposite sex is a what kind of _ the zodiac

The woman in the eyes of the cancer man: (The zodiac/astro/)

Appearance looks like a man, the heart as thin as a woman, is more sensitive than women, have a tendency to mother, influenced by soft, always indecisive is not decisive, once has the heart, it's very difficult to solve, wonks.He is always slow half racket, love with themselves to sulk, easygoing gentle but it is difficult to really communicate, impulses, can in time to go home, will help do household chores, also very frowsty coquettish, as a husband for elders still didn't have to pick, but few romantic feelings, sometimes can make women to gas, also very vulnerable to a loss of damage, in fact, this kind of bad man CiLong.

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