Cancer health problems

Health is not only refers to the absence of disease or sickness, but a physical, psychological, spiritual and social completely good condition.That is a healthy person should have strong physique, leisurely attitude and optimistic state of mind, and with the social and environment coordination relations and good psychological quality.The body is the capital of the revolution, only to have a healthy body, to complete their own ideal, realize their ambitions.So, as aThe zodiacYou, what should pay attention to the health problems?Please with small make up take a look.

_ the zodiac cancer health problem

cancerShould pay attention to health problems

Cancer due to the nature of distress, and anticipate that may never appear, so often lead to indigestion and peptic ulcer disease.Function of intestines and stomach is weak, absorption capacity is usually not too bad is very good, so the digestive organs and stomach is very important to maintain, to rely on a fixed eating habits and learning to regulate the normal daily life.(the zodiac/astro /)

Cancer moon star, in charge of the human chest, breast, and digestive system.Esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen, and large intestine, etc., are also important organs.Therefore, for the crab, pay particular attention to these minor symptoms, so ill just hopeless.

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