Why cancer boy dared not go to bed

cancerWhy do boys can't go to bed

Concern: if she is not satisfied, estimates that wouldn't stand a chance in the future

Main reason: fear can't let the girl happy

How to solve, try to test it, who can tell

Why cancer boy dared not go to bed _ the zodiac

Because shy, girls will remain reserved, especially in the sex, always don't talk about their feelings, and cancer always accustomed to in their own routines to, but I don't know the girl needs, cancer easily from random condition, afraid of being unable to get to meet each other.(The zodiac /astro/)

But this kind of thing, many couples are not understand each other's requirements from the start, it is in cooperation with repeated, let each other more and more tacit understanding, sexual life is more and more beautiful.Therefore, cancer boy in fact there is no need to fear, that, as long as you put your heart into girls will be felt.

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