The cancer woman marry what kind of man is the most regret

The cancer woman marry what kind of man is the most regret

cancerFriends perceptual tender, but the feelings is very passive.Because of the strong ego to protect consciousness, before the result has been set, you always take the attitude of "test".If you have a crush on someone, it is easy to fall into state of unrequited love.Maybe you love him very much, want to him day and night, even in the dream two walks hand in hand romantic scenes.You may even be fantasy with himTo get marriedThe scene, after thinking a fewThe child...But this is a man in you want to.

Marry purpose: to establish a family

This girl, to family have the feelings of the unable to give up.When are not married, my parents and family is most important to her.But no matter what, she still want to have their own family.Marry, marry, to build a new family, his ideal can be on again.

The cancer woman marry what kind of man is the most regret _ the zodiac

Marry to who is the most regret: family relationship complicated man. (The zodiac /astro/)

Marry you don't have to "suitable" only happiness, but must not be and the flow "portal" too complicated men marry.Marry in parents' divorce, and their growing up and reorganization of the family man,A womanTantamount to recruit two father-in-law and mother-in-law, to do double the filial piety, see N look oh.Seven gu eight aunt is numerous, in addition, the home walk too frequently too close, the man even if again good, as a wife, you are struggling to cope with the human, not the part of red envelopes.

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