Why cancer will become a poor man

cancer: don't pass any cheap information

Character analysis

Cancer is one of the few is unlikely to fall to the sign of the poor wretch, if will become a pauper, usually because there are a couple of drag, lazy partner, for example, or does not have the production capacity of elder children, stimulate cancer naturally take care of other people's maternal, caused by the poor.


Des possessed of cancer, can see the supermarket commodity price comparison in the newspaper every day, knowBuy vegetablesBuy meat the most save money, then all the way to go there to buy more than two weeks of food, like a squirrel storing food for the winter to eat for a month.

Why cancer becomes poor _ the zodiac

Save big trick (The zodiac /astro/)

Really want to save money draws at home yard or attic into their own newcomb, some kind of tasty and quick recovery of fruits and vegetables, this ability is no others will.

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