Scorpio girl rival constellation

ScorpioGirls rival sign:cancerThe new MM

Man is the best face anymore, Scorpio women don't care so much, do wrong, whether it is king Lao tze in front not taboo to blame their own husbands, occasionally also just, once it happened that is everything all the time...Man that which can be a fragile ego once was such a serious impact.This time as long as there is can heal his woundsA womanAnd you, it will be dangerous.

Better of you, it's easy to let the boy there is frustration, will not spare the accused each other, and please correct each other.But under the fledgling cancer MM heartfelt praise, worship and immature, curious, and somewhat shy wandering eyes, sudden surge in men's superiority.All the innocence, let a person just like back to the first love s, and if you have entered the stage of laundry cooking, unkempt yellow face shiva, comparison of the heart will be particularly strong.(The zodiac /astro/)

Scorpio girl rival _ the zodiac constellation

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