Rival constellation libra girl

libraGirls rival sign:TaurusorLeoRipe female workplace

Elegant Scorpio girl love to enjoy life, they want a husband to give yourself enough material and spiritual conditions, to enjoy yourself, do a full-time wife, nothing springtime delights afternoon tea, bask in the sun, do SPA...Is the home and the best please nanny, these women don't want to sweep when health...If the condition does not allow, the family labor, also must be the husband do you have time to go to Hong Kong to buy a gucci handbags, face always demand that requires that the wife home, which man stand, this time the man but the most hope his wife can give their own contribution to some pressure, have a common languageA woman.

You are very insecure, so couldn't always stuck to her boyfriend's side, a moment of separation will make you restless, a variety of remote control tracking and command, often makes her boyfriend is losing face and nervous.At this point, the Taurus female and female lion with you on the contrary, they mature and independent, and believe that their own control.If they appear in the boyfriend's life, has long been "house arrest" boyfriend like a drowning man suddenly surfaced, big breathe fresh oxygen, the heart also ripples moved.(The zodiac /astro/)

Rival _ the zodiac constellation libra girl

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