Disclosure: let the cancer woman a endure longer endure deception playing with the feelings of the man woman

Disclosure: let the cancer woman a endure longer endure deception playing with the feelings of the man woman

Cheat philandering emotional characteristics of men: shout to myselfDrink to

Endurance time: half a year

Patience: naturally has a tendency to abuse

When: when found each other and others to go to bed

cancerGirl's gentle, charming, family-oriented, dedicated, but don't know what is being used to abuse or, cancer girl born with a tendency to "abuse", wish everybody take their orders as slaves, and they could be needed to experience a kind of pleasure.

Disclosure: let the cancer woman a endure longer endure cheat philandering emotional characteristics of men _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

Therefore, to oneself to her boyfriend, cancer girl don't hurt, but can feel because someone like yourself, made no stranger of themselves, will like this.

Disclosure: let the cancer woman a endure longer endure cheat philandering man emotional characteristics related content

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