Cancer boys and Sagittarius girls happy chance

cancerThe boys andSagittariusThe girl happy chance

Cancer boys and Sagittarius girls happy chance: 45%

Cancer boys don't like widely making friends, they like and he thinks the same kind of single people.But the Sagittarius girls seems not so, they like to make friends with all kinds of people,.The sign of the cancer is more introverted, and for bold and unrestrained outgoing Sagittarius girls, should have been hard to balance character.Of course, you will feel it is very complementary, but cancer too homesick, while Sagittarius girls like unrestrained freedom of life.Cancer and Sagittarius seems there are too many differences, and not just complementary character, much contradiction nature together there is a gap.This is quite a good business.(The zodiac /astro/)

Cancer boys and Sagittarius girls happy chance _ the zodiac

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