Cancer boys cheat girls lie

cancerThe boy cheat the girl lies

Cancer boy cheat girl lies: what kind of you, I like it all

Cordial and warm cancer boy, often make the girls feel particularly sweet and thoughtful.Crab will give the impression of people, tend to be gentle and considerate, often image of cancer such as generous and considerate boy, in in front of the person you like, also often use "I like you the appearance of the original", "no matter what, I love you", etc. This type of lies, to remove your preparedness, make a commitment to them.

But, in fact, this boy with oneself, very clear psychological bottom line.Once each other cross the line, or done, said they can't accept things, will be immediately by ruthless abandon.There may even oneself all don't know how was left.(The zodiac /astro/)

The boy cheat the girl lies _ the zodiac constellation cancer

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