The least common to horoscopes "cancer"

The least common to horoscopes 【cancer


This is the most basic of the zodiac.It represents the most basic human characteristics, it is basic to the requirement of life.

Emotional, tolerance, not clear, the family relied on, please believe that this is the nature of human, you still can read them on cancer.Some cancers because internal anxiety and become very fashionable, but in its essence, they are still so.They don't really understand the abstract things, all untouchable they are skeptical.This sign is the artist, but that is more accepted by the public;Outstanding businessman also many, is sensitive to their anxiety and diligently in accordance with the essence of a good businessman;Cancer of the great military, Caesar and Alexander graces many.But I don't remember this sign was born a great philosopher and statesman.I think reason perhaps is that custom sign of cancer are hard to surpass the human thinking, and they never good at dealing with people, while the latter is necessary for great statesman.Some people might argue, I said, I have seen many cancer as I interact.I think this type of cancer is actually from the other side shows, they fear of interpersonal relationship.Without principle, only shows that communication itself is the purpose of the people;Holding such purpose, in fact, the inferiority of interpersonal relationship.

The least common to analytical [this] _ the zodiac sign

Speaking of inferiority, I think this is a key to understanding this sign a., especially those in the initial meeting was struck by their humble and warmth, and in subsequent hysteria destroyed by their people, will have a deeper feeling.Cancer can be the most inclusive, also can be better thanScorpioMore hatred, it all depends on whether their self-esteem desire satisfied.This desire can be accepted by a lover, can be a complete family, can be a good performance, can be the top of the fashion...But must be the number of the most widely accepted.Away from the crowd, starts its vaunted basic is desperate cancer, cancer may be as long as there is a line, be accepted by the society to the greatest extent, still is their common pursuit.They select number between quality and quantity, they understand quality is the highest number accepted quality.As the essence, it is not hard to see, they are with a group of deep inferiority.Only not sure about the own existence value, and then people don't like themselves, are desperate for the outside world.The cancer usually is.A lot of people will say, we have seen to oneself confident cancer.I think there will be two premises, here they are satisfied with their social position, their emotional lives well.And I think that the real self-confidence is a person appeared in plain and adversity.Even in ordinary cancer is also busy all day long, they convince themselves and others, have so much work to be done.In fact this is not the real reason, the real reason is that the constellation is a premise, unable to look at self for a long period of time.They can't accept it, this reality is bad and wrong.That, unlike lions and Scorpio blind confidence, the cancer because of inferiority.WenGuoZeXi mind rarely appear on cancer.All of their modest, in fact just in expressing a goodwill, in their view, modesty is amiable, actually is used as a means of getting along with people.If someone tell them, modest also means self-denial, cancer will become the most arrogant person.

This constellation is one of the most widely misunderstood point, finally they love.Is said to be misunderstood, because this constellation's understanding of love and are rarely pure, inside the family factors accounted for more.They are more care about is stable relationships, no matter why the essence of this relationship.Also, almost all cancers in the love, the proportion of material is very high.

Understand this sign another key, is emotional.Like all water like constellation, sensitive and deep emotions in their mind.They can use rational coat like Scorpio to hide their emotions, but the rational is part of the complex Scorpio personality, cancer is not.Also some of them like Pisces fantasy and escape, butPiscesAbility is that they can really live in for their own dream inside, the cancer cannot.Profound emotional may be the root of inferiority.If so, can interpret why female cancer than men want some lovely, after all, is to the emotionalA womanLike reckless to men, it is an acceptable gender traits.Cancer man, a lifetime has been attracted strong men style, but unable to get rid of their feminine qualities.This makes them become strange a group of bitch - there is a great man's doctrine.They claim to the woman is very masculine, show the complete possession and master;But at the same time, they hope that their partner is a manly woman, cheerful active confidence not haggle over every ounce.It must be admitted that such women really do exist.Is less and less.So, in the modern society, cancer is the most direct challenge of a group, the patterns of human relationships, because they want to more walk more far...But this is not to say that cancer is the most difficult to adapt to modern life.On the contrary, their resilience is often the most powerful.Thanks to their entrenched mainstream consciousness and sensitive antennae.In response to fashion, cancer and water bottles to form bright contrast.Aquarius:Someone else-especially whether or sloppy ridiculous, can only set up their own style according to own understanding;And the cancer always follow the trend of the present tense.A cancer can be a very fashion and decent, but they cannot create the unique style;Even in old age, however, a conservative cancer will not closed self, can they still try their best to understand the trend of the society.

They can give you a lot, but they just can give me, and be sure to get what they want those returns.It's like a compulsive trading, you almost no selection.In the wind and rain of life met a cancer is lucky, you can see their most brilliant side, in order to protect the people who love their amazing courage.Also, for the sake of the value of their recognition, cancer may be the most intrepid of the zodiac.Bush is the President of the United States of cancer, I always want to, let a cancer President led the United States during 911, if the will of god.Cancer received a home and a people to harm the President, you can have no doubt that he will fight to the end, because it was his belief.On the contrary, he never reflection, never compromise.

The United States is a country of cancer.The style of its materialism and popular taste fully showed this point.This is why, as a leader of an era empire, it always can only according to their own point of view to understand and see the world.

This is the most afraid of is said to sign no taste, they advanced heart yearning but never understood.They easily attracted by Scorpio, because at the time of all is water like constellation, deep and sharp and complacent, Scorpio is their desire.Pisces is a nightmare to them, the constellation brillant legerdemain is of no use to them, because they don't understand.They only care about the fact that they can see that.They and the air element has a good fate, as long as the relationship is not too close, don't let them stick play out of a persons characteristic, and was able to get along with each other.They don't give a person with oppressive feeling, on the whole and healthy personalities of cancer human very moving, this is the wind sign lack.They appreciate the water-bearer likes the unique style of ecstasy, but often from their own perspective to Aquarius each other too difficult to answer the questions.They and theLeoOften can have a love of, this also is a can not let Leo frustrating signs of the zodiac.(The zodiac /astro/)

A can in a self-denying cancer after middle age, life is almost certain to succeed (cancer why is known as the confessions Rousseau).Because this is their most difficult life.

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