Win cancer men and women favor of manual

Do thingscancer

Fall in love with her cancer: cancer woman often showed in front of the person not stubborn, tough side, this is the way she used to armed.The cancer woman fall in love with mature, steady heavy objects, especially higher EQ, in love for her with smallA womanLike pet.How much do you pay for the cancer woman, she will pay you double!

Fall in love with this sign him: cancer men like you can't just say it, but will begin to care about your health, life, even a little flexors.Their nature is gentle, but underneath is a little big man in traditional tendency, toy is very strong, eager to protect the other half, a shoulder the responsibility of the family.Low-key, they like and inside collect, dress full of feminine women.

Win cancer men and women favor of manual _ the zodiac

Cancer love strategy notes: (The zodiac /astro/)

Cancer one-girl, delicate heart.Because hurt each other, so don't know how to refuse.If they like you, will find time and you shanghainese, getting the chance to meet with you.
They attach great importance to family, so to cancer, first to get the good opinion of their friends and relatives regiment.Filial piety and specificity, and it is the first condition of their mate!

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