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cancertheA blind dateThe complete

Suitable to dress up: gentle affectionate cancer wear braces skirt skirt is very appropriate, also can change the external feel bloated, appears lightsome romance, model 100 points!

Suitable for dating site: there is characteristic of small restaurant is very suitable for cancer are gentle mothering style, warm and soft, can make each other love.Must have each other again shook the best dishes, will be charmed by the image of the wife and mother!

Suitable for blind date:

1.Pisces: Pisces boy and you must be a sex appeal to match well.

2.Scorpio: Scorpio male fanatical love, also let you very drunk D.

3.Capricorn: the boy will understand your wish, bring you need comfort and love.

Note: date must pay more attention to each other when feelings, remember to your opposite sign of Capricorn learn their pragmatic style of doing things, then you must be attractiveA womanAbsolutely ~ (The zodiac /astro/)

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