Cancer career planning book

  cancerCareer planning book

1, the teacher.Sign of cancer are able to give a person a sense of security, cooperate with raw 倶 to excellent memory, remember the names of many people, not only faces and some trivial characteristics, combined with mind sharp and good quality, enable them to become excellent teachers.Sign of cancer are also natural disposition is generous, emotional, ready to help people in need, and enjoy the feeling of being need to protect, so early childhood teachers, nurses and other professional is the sign of cancer are just the ticket.

2. The actor.Cancer people of talent is mainly embodied in the imagination, music, painting, fantasy novels, movies and creation.They like to play a role in the fantasy, to confirm his value and find confidence you need.Because of the influence of the ruling planet moon for them, they might become the actor is really worship by the audience.Their passion and artistic talent can deeply touched the hearts of the audience.

3. The cook.The sign of the crab is a attaches great importance to the details of life, as long as and related things in life will cause the attention of the crab.Although do things low-key character makes the crab prefer doing some of the front, cooking genius makes it very suitable for a cook, also suitable for food and beverage industry, but its only in the quiet work environment to avoid digestive discomfort caused by the emotional tension, therefore, must choose the workplace.

4. The administrative personnel.Cancer is one of the advantages of good memory, has a good memory to all things, this may and they like to continuously recall past character.Their opinion on things, like resorting to intuition, and can usually make the right judgment.This makes cancer people can become excellent administrative personnel.

5. The nurse.Cancer people on patient care is outstanding.At work, and their sensitive they often get in trouble, a difficult may make the heart produces strong response.On the contrary, when they feel trusted by others, will establish a good relationship with people around you, inspire boundless sincerity and creativity.Cancer has a good personality and keen perception and longer than the nature of chores, women is a good nurse, is particularly suited to take care of infants and young children.

6. Catering services.Because cancer people own the sense of responsibility and ability of organization, so they can work in all contact with the public credibility, and talent into full play.In addition, this constellation of people generally like delicious food, enjoy good cooking, so the hotel industry, hotel industry, food business is cancer ideal career development direction.

7. Various researchers.And its natural like SiGu huai far, coupled with good memory, successively zhizhi can conveniently twist on the old events to effortlessly, also suitable for work in the history research and textual research.

8. Public welfare society.Sign of cancer are caring, and personality is composed, careful, keep highly concern to the person I love, often can find the greatest satisfaction in public welfare activities.

9. Artists.The cancer was born of the exuberant energy and keen sense, with superior intuitive and sensitive.This constellation of people most like to live in the charming fantasy, so the composer, writer, writer, the artist's work undoubtedly bring their most comfortable enjoyment.

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