Libra: active, the work is easy

  libra: active, the work is easy

Libra people to make their own ability to obtain others' identity, the key is to show the image of the active to others,

Work with his own performance to prove their ability.As weber in his book known and decision-making to achieve rapid promotion article 13 Suggestions, "first of all, remember, do our work well and make your boss happy, this is the most important for the success of the foundation.To find places and opportunities to show yourself, it is best to make high level officials regarded you as a hero."The meaning of this passage is to "active, with performance show only".

(1) never give up speaking out of turn.For boss, mostly like to work with passion, no discounts when accepting a task, have the courage to overcome the difficulties of active, rarely depressed or cry sigh, always maintain a high work enthusiasm, to boss is always positive and efficient "image.

(2) performance is strength.All enterprising boss, appreciate the clever, clever, intelligent, aggressive subordinates, such people often can complete rehearsed the very good job.The person must understand such a simple truth, have the result, can show the person can;Have the ability, can constantly promoted;Any boss don't want to go to a promotion he thinks there is no man of talent.

So, the person as soon as possible if you want to get a promotion, "with performance show that, with just promotion" is undoubtedly one of the most fundamental way.How can the result as soon as possible, this is the person must first solve the problem.

(3) the ShaGan as working smart.A person can fundamentally need to work, don't work without a result, there is no result can show talent.But do a result sometimes need a long cycle, so before not yet, it needs to "self-expression, can let the boss see this person is very competent at a glance!

(1) the boss under the command repeat it again.

If the boss ordered subordinates to do anything, if the subordinate to the boss said, an outline with read-back territory again, answer effect will be better.That is to say, the first said, "you mean, isn't it..."Like this again

Repeat the boss would have a comfortable feeling to subordinates: "as such, if you want to entrust him to handle affairs, may not be wrong!"

At the same time, more important is can make the boss feel, subordinates have known points, thus increasing the subordinate capable and competent impression on the other hand, repetition, also can make subordinate to remember what the command, can be avoided unnecessary mistakes.

(2) the report on its work to the boss, the first conclusion.Because we are now in an era of intense competition, therefore, the boss is very busy, often is easy to cause anxious state of mind.So in general, the boss is very wants to know first conclusion (3) through the phone, let a person feel the person is very capable.A psychologist, he thanks to people on the phone, must be combined with a 90 - degree bow, but it is invisible.Maybe someone will think this kind of behavior is meaningless, but that is not wholly so.Because people have a kind of discrimination of inflection, and libra people bow position will change, the tones, of course, also can become so each other will detect the action of bowed from change of tone.Call so when, if want to make good impression on each other, the best smile in the conversation.Because a cheerful expression, tone of nature will be the same style, and make each other warm.

(4) to learn how to use with the number of mantissa.We are not an economist, but, this kind of strategy, has the very high practical value.In daily life, try to use must be digital, memory to the tail.And, if you can put the mantissa is commonly used as three meals a day, the boss will think it's very smart, and increase the impression.At the same time, the reliability will be improved.

Have a head of department would like to apply to his boss for a urgent need of funds, the boss look at the application of the report asked him after the deployment, "why don't you apply for 1 million yuan, just apply for 930000 yuan?"The subordinate answer: currently, only need 930000 yuan is enough, too much useless.Later, the boss was the subordinates to calculate the management attitude touched with a tail, immediately cover the stamp of approval.

(5) from the mannerisms competent performance.A person's speech and behavior is very important, if you want to show your boss the image of a competent, attention must be from the following several aspects:

Able to use some unknown attention to trivial trivia, impressive.

Good posture will give boss the impression that the young, enthusiastic and energetic.Bow bow back?Straighten it.Shoulder slanting

Inclined?Correct it.A little vertical brain?Go back to a horizontal position.Carefully check your posture, make abdominal breathing instead of thoracic.In the beginning, may feel uncomfortable for this position.But as long as continue to check and adjust in time, such a good posture will become natural posture.Start to want self-respect, show other people the feeling of "true spirit", sit down and keep hold out a bosom, will bring a kind of enterprising impression.Such a position with a firmly pegged to each other, so often can make a person feel is a person with ability.

If in talking to your boss, avoid by all means is deeply sofa chair, even upper body depend on the chair, such a boss due to not paying attention, the feeling of lack of sincerity, if light sitting in front of the third chair, will make the boss produces a positive and lively impression.

At the same time, the dress also has a great influence to the image of a person, if worn and torn, natural low mood.Full of angry people are always dressed very fastidious, dress neatly, polished shoes;Not angry man is a slob.

Libra: active, work related content

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